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April News

Well in case there’s any confusion, yesterday was April Fool’s Day, so there are no episodes 1-6 of Doom Guy’s Mind, it was meant as a joke. One thing that’s no doubt confusing people is why this was up on Machinima.com’s channel. I’m just as surprised by that as anyone, as I still do NOT have a new contract with them and I am waiting to hear back from them. They decided to make an exception for me submitting a new video for April Fool’s Day, so that’s how Doom Guy’s Mind got posted. I actually thought for certain they wouldn’t resolve things in time, in which case I would have posted it on my own Youtube channel. Out of all the videos I’ve created however, I feel like this one is likely to appeal to Machinima.com’s target demographic more than any other.

Working on Doom Guy’s Mind kind of made me nostalgic for “punk” games. There were a lot of punk games in the 90s . I feel even with the indie scene there aren’t enough punk games today, but that’s probably just me getting older. Doom was also the first video I’ve had to record realtime in a while, which is a challenge for my system, since I don’t have a SSD. With all the Source videos, I export the footage frame by frame, so it’s all perfectly smooth. I hate having to record in realtime, because one hiccup from a hard drive means the footage will start getting choppy.

Also to clear up any confusion, this was NOT the Freeman’s Mind related side project I mentioned earlier, that’s still a work in progress. I hope to be able to announce that in a week or two. Besides that, I’ll be continuing work on future Freeman’s Mind episodes. I’ll make sure they eventually get released one way or another.


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