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Quick July update

Hey everyone, no new video yet, I just thought I’d disprove theories that I’m dead, since they pop up a lot. Believe it or not, I haven’t been spending this whole month screwing around, I only did that for a few days. I’ve been working on the next Freeman’s Mind, plus I have some new stuff coming to Gorilla Gong , I’ll have more info on that later on. I can’t predict when the next episode is going to come out as it’s going to involve more work than usual on the audio front, which Otto Beumelburg is tackling. I anticipate being done with the voicework within the next few days however, once that happens, I’ll just move on to episode 59. If he’s still not done, I’ll move on to episode 60. The Freeman’s Mind train is gearing up, there just may be some delay before the videos are released.

Right now, I want to make good on my promise to get through HL1 this year, so Freeman’s Mind is going to take priority for quite some time. I’m going to TRY to make time to get the DOTA 2 voice pack resubmitted and later on get some more Game Dungeons done, but it’s pretty much nothing but Freeman’s Mind for a while. Also I’ll give a spoiler and say the next episode will involve shooting guns, so you know it’s legit.

I may be moving within the next couple weeks to try and find an apartment with lower rent and less ninjas, but so far it’s all up in the air. I don’t think it will cause a huge disruption as it won’t be a long-distance one. In any event, remember I’m not dead unless I say so.


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