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Double Feature!

Hey everyone, well I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is I’m getting sued by Valve and can’t make any more Freeman’s Mind or Civil Protection videos forever. The good news is I have some new series to replace them! The first (which I thought was going to be the second, but Machinima.com decided to post it 6 hours earlier than they said, ha) is Diary of A Zombie. A touching tale about a zombie. Check it out here:


1280x720 WMV (130MB)

Also I lied. There’s not one, but TWO videos today! Stay tuned for the next one!


Hello again from late night Poland! Brought back by popular demand, here is the sequel to The Amazing Halo Video, a runaway hit with everyone:


800x294 WMV (23MB)

Okay I’m going to sleep. In Poland that is.

Also the forum link from the posts are really screwed up right now. The front page will display the most accurate information. This will hopefully be resolved soon.

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