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No contest winners (yet)

Well I’ve reviewed all the entries for the sound contest and I think I’m just a picky bastard in that none of them jump out at me as a clear winner, though some of them are close. I’ve gone and emailed all the contestants and a few have been eliminated. The rest I’ve written up a list of things each person could do to improve their mixes. I think after another round of revising we’ll have a clear winner. My attention to detail on this may seem excessive, but it’s nothing I wouldn’t do myself.

Work continues on the videos and I hope to have some more work started on improvements to the website (including broken links) sometime soon.

As for the video releases, for those that have a preference, people seem to favor MKV over MP4 almost 2:1, so I plan to be transitioning to that. From the feedback I received, there seems to be NO consistency with what stutters on people’s computers. It’s almost like each format is different for every person. MKV at least has the advantage of being one of the highest quality options, so even if you don’t like the format, you’ll be working with a better source if you want to convert it to something else. Also if you prefer the existing WMV copies of the videos for some reason, I recommend grabbing them now, because I plan to take them down later and replace them with the higher quality .MKV files.

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