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dooms mind machinima

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ive created an fm based machinima using doom 3 called morbid mentality, the first season is on youtube so if you all could check it out and tell me what you think, i would have included the video in this post but my computer wont load it, but ive in cluded a link to the first episode, the series starts out slow but improves as i get past the tutorial.


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I only browsed a little through the first ep and I can say that you need to work on both technical and artistic levels but nevermind about that. What I really want to congratulate you about is coming up with an original name for the series (well, besides the thread title). This establishes you as a person who created a series which belongs to this machinima particular genre, made popular by Ross, and not just a guy doing another mind series. And this is how the tiniest details make the biggest difference.

Little Freemans - Episodes 1-5


Malf Hockery - Episodes 1-5

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thankyou for your input, especially about the name of the series because in my mind im copying freemans mind enough the least i can do is come up with a unique name. for season 2 i plan on getting a better audio recording program and also possibly redoing season 1s audio. also im adding another protagonistnin season 2 in the form of a ghost that is haunting the main character, at the same time trying to help him.

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