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I remember getting this a while back from quiktrip. Yes, that's right, quiktrip sold this game for 5 bucks. It was definitely worth it though. Apparently i can only find this image of the cover of the game, and to this day have only found 1 guy do a playthrough of this thing on youtube. You basically play as a bunch of floating hover tanks and shoot stuff to go to the next level, and every now and then was a boss. I don't see how this didn't get recognized enough, though. It has some of the catchiest music i've ever heard in a game, and the boss fights are epic when they do occur. Plus it had some kind of online battle arena feature that i could never work because no one else was online with it. Ever. I don't know, share your thoughts if any of you have ever seen anything like this. OH, and here's a link to part 1 of his walkthrough, anyone can watch from then on if they feel inclined...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6ogQwcKgKc&feature=relmfu

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