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Dota 2 Announcer pack (Directly to Mr.Scott )

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Hi there. Today i launched my Steam, and suddenly decided to watch out, how "Freeman's Mind announcer pack for DotA 2" going... And you know, it was really disappointing to see it still in workshop..


Well, i got an idea, which i'm trying to get to Ross Scott.


A good friend of mine got the online show on Youtube. He is not famous like Ray William Johnson or so. But he position himself as Dota 2 player. And his audience (Thousands of users) is Dota gamers as Well. And many of them enjoyed "Freeman's mind" show. So... if Ross still wants to FINALLY PUT HIS AWESOME ANNOUNCER PACK into a game. Than maybe we could make some kind of Announcement in that show, that also could represent him among the Russian gamers.


I repeat. The show is Russian. Title is "Сравнения" [sravneniya] Which Means "Comparison". In that show this guy compares some good stuff (like St.Petersburg and Moscow cities.)

Example i mentioned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-l5OdgOgzg


Finally, Mr.Scott. Ross. If You reading this, if you kinda interested and you will have some time for it... Than just let me know by this forum, or by skype contact: "Slidespeaker"

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