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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain... Thoughts?

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I recently purchased MGS V: PP after overriding my deep ingrained reflex to avoid sixty dollar games, and honestly I'm not disappointed. Of all the sixty dollar games, I think this one is probably one of the FEW actually worth the money. I've been playing for over three days now and I'm still only around 30% done with the main story, not including all the neat side missions I can do.


For those who have played it, what are your thoughts? Does it stick well with the main story of Metal Gear? This is my very first Metal Gear game, and honestly it's an incredible experience. If this isn't the best one, I'm totally hyped to see what the others have in store. Try to keep spoilers marked please, I still haven't finished and I'm sure some others haven't either. Thanks.

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Well it JUST finished downloading for me so I'll get back to you shortly on what I think of it.


I've pointedly avoided as much video coverage of the game as I could so I can experience as much of this as I can personally.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Well it JUST finished downloading for me so I'll get back to you shortly on what I think of it.


I've pointedly avoided as much video coverage of the game as I could so I can experience as much of this as I can personally.

I did too. If you read this before starting, just hold out at the beginning. It's really grueling to start, but it gets better.

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I put in about 5 hours in one sitting so here's my first impressions:


If I didn't have work to do right now I'd still be playing. I'm blown away by how smooth this game runs considering it looks like I'm playing a rendered movie. My PC is nothing to scoff at but even the most powerful PC can take an FPS hit if the game isn't optimized properly. It runs at a solid 60 fps which from what I understand is the cap(Not a fan of capped FPS' but I can forgive it.) The entire 5 hours I was playing it didn't drop below 60 once and my settings are maxed.


The controls are the tightest they've ever been in the series and feel great. I've got the PC version which unfortunately is a console port at it's core but the development team had the decency to at least make the keyboard and mouse controls responsive enough to not require use of my controller, though menus are a royal pain.


As for gameplay, it's deviated quite a lot from the MGS formula but that's not a bad thing. In fact I think this game wouldn't be half as fun as it is now if they stuck to the old formula. As I said before if I didn't have work to do I'd still be on it right now. I'm probably gonna put triple digit hours into this game before I even complete it because the free-roam aspect is fun enough to keep me entertained.


And yeah I understand what you mean now by the grueling start. That was legitimately painful. :S

Retired Forum Moderator

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