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So, I have a very focused goal with this post but I'm open to it being used as a platform to do the same for other obscure/lost pieces of internet/pc trivia.


The first, the Origin of Leeroy Jenkins, which is not, as the internet believes, from world of warcraft. The WoW user Leeroy borrowed the joke most certainly from something but I am honestly dumbfounded as to what, before WoW even was a twinkle in Blizzards eye I heard the phrase myself on my Dads PC when I was a kid, at the time DOS was the current OS or only just recently put out to pasture.


It's my suspicion that the quote comes from Prarie Dog Hunt, a game my dad used to play alot. I cant seem to get it to run on my pc for the life of me so I'm putting the call out for anyone who might be able to, or even knows where the reference originally stems from.


The game in question




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Here's a video of someone playing the game:




Even though it's 6 minutes of footage, there's no clip of "Leeroy Jenkins", and from what I can tell, that's the entire game. I highly doubt a prarie dog's going to yell "LEEEEEEROY AHJENKINS!", as funny as it is. I honestly think the origin is from WOW, and that you're just misremembering.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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That's Prairie Dog Hunt Pro, not Prairie Dog Hunt, there's a difference albeit minimal. I know for certain I heard it well before World of Warcraft was even open to the public, likely before even any advertisement for the game came out, and if it was after WoW came out it was still prior to the whole Leeroy debacle that popularized the phrase.

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Still no prairie dog yelling "LEEEEROY AHJEENKINS!" So yeah, I'm still saying you're misremembering.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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