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So, this is a game I heard about today, looks amazing, especially given the context that the first video below gives, about the development process it has gone through.


The above is a video someone made summarising sorta stages the game went through, various iterative tech demos and suchlike.  The one below is the developer himself introducing the game is a semi-final form (I guess).

To sum up, it's a Voxel based game featuring fully deformable and destructible terrain, that stays destroyed/deformed, without limits (no resetting, fading, etc.)  It features Raytraced lighting, dynamic fog and dust, vehicles that can plow through, over or under terrain and buildings, or each other, etc etc.   Basically, an incredibly advanced dynamic reactive environment to play in.  The actual meat of it is kinda limited, and firmly places it in tech demo territory, to me, but what a tech demo. 


It's not out yet, not will it be soon, but everything I've seen makes me want this type of thing to become the standard against which other reactive environments are judged against in the future.

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