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If you're here from Ross's videos on The Crew and want to help but aren't sure what to do, here is some information to help you out!: 


Ross is looking for people, especially Australians and people from non-English speaking EU countries, to contact their local consumer protection agencies (or potentially have law firms file complaints with these agencies) after The Crew shuts down on March 31.  


The reason he WANTS ACTION to be taken in April is that The Crew will be rendered UNPLAYABLE starting in April, due to Ubisoft shutting down the servers The Crew needs to function. In other words, A PRODUCT/GOOD that people have paid money for will be made UNUSABLE after the point of sale.  


Starting April, THIS WILL GIVE CONSUMER AGENCIES the chance to investigate this practice regardless of game publisher, whereas acting now would be confusing to many current legal systems. We want to be addressing and presenting a CLEAR & PRESENT VIOLATION of consumer law vs one that has not happened yet. In Australia and EU countries, there are strong consumer protection laws and agencies that deal with this sort of thing. The US is not as consumer empowering in this regard, BUT “We don't need a win in the US to win this war! We just need to make it more expensive to destroy games in OTHER countries than not.”.


Ross will create a website by the time The Crew shuts down that has the step-by-step procedure of contacting a consumer protection agency regardless of what country an owner of The Crew is in, with instructions in the consumer's local language. I will update this post with the website name and URL once that drops.


Attached are some IMAGES of consumer protection agencies Ross is aware of as of February 24 (note: Ross now knows Citizen's Advice is not the proper organization to contact in the UK on this): 






If you have any information that could possibly help Ross, YOU SHOULD EMAIL HIM AT: [email protected] 

Examples of information Ross would find useful (including but not limited to):  

-Knowing what agencies to contact for those who own The Crew (as well as dead ends with certain agencies) per country

-Ways of offering Ross PUBLICITY or media attention on this starting in April (not now)  

-YouTube channels to contact (including foreign gaming Youtubers). Email their contact info to Ross rather than making it public.

-Suggestions/efforts on how best to organize things and optimize organizing and collaborating. Ross is open to people who want to spearhead how to sort, verify, and arrange information/everything. 

- Other additional information, such as the "Stuff I most need help with" slide from his video (above)






Ross "would rather 5 people GIVE ME REDUNDANT INFORMATION than not have enough info... don't assume I have everything taken care of." That's a direct quote from his video. 


Help Ross fight Games as A Service! Remember: [email protected]

Edited by mrglanet (see edit history)

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Also, there is a dedicated fan run DGN community. It has been slow the past few year, but it's probably a good supplemental place to talk about this stuff and gain whatever traction. 




This is a safe haven- free from the usual shitposting of the general AF places(read: I won't be that active in it) because some of that stuff might actually matter.

Edited by Im_CIA (see edit history)

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Oh yeah and the dgn twitter got locked out so don't expect updates there

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Oh yeah and the dgn twitter got locked out so don't expect updates there

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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So I want to know if this is just my account or if others have been affected by this too. Ubisoft has removed any and all reference to my purchase of the Crew. It no longer shows in my transaction history even though they say "You can view your ENTIRE transaction history here" 

If this is the case there may be a completely different lawsuit that can be filed here as since there is possibility of legal action around the game, removal of proof of purchase could be considered a form of "Evidence Tampering" or something along those lines. The only proof I have that I owned the full game now is the achievements list across multiple years of play. Thoughts?

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