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Nick's Mind

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O.K., as I said in another topic I've attempted to make a "Mind's Series" and more or less failed at it (Nick's Mind, from Left 4 Dead 2), you can view the playlist here. Tell me what you guys think, should I continue? Suggestions to make it better? (Yes I know fullbright is on, among other things, but around episode 9, I got a better computer, and whatnot, so it's darker looking.) Please stick with constructive criticism, I don't want any trolling or anything like "ur videos sux go die in a fier".



Edit: or you know, no one post a thing.


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Hey, I just watched a portion of it, it's pretty good so far, people should see it, bump topic and plus rep.


I will watch more episodes and give you feedback.


PS: Fail on the graphics I must say.

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dude, do what you enjoy. the day you start doing things because of what others think is the day that you stop liking it.


advice though: your script could use some work, and your voice acting needs more emotion. i suggest recording some random stuff and see what you can do to improve.

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I think it's an interesting idea. I personally would not have chosen Nick since he already speaks for himself, but that's not really all that important.

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