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There's no random section to this forum at all. Like seriously. I can't post a bunch of random nerdy stuff. Big flaw here and there's an easy fix.


Name: Random

Description: Like /b/ but with people that have iqs higher than a collective 3.


I will leave off with this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlOxf9a2Eik .

PS: If you feel like your deaf in one ear blame the hard panning.

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The closest we have right now is the Random Thread: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1217


It's basically for anything and everything that doesn't really go into anything else (though good luck getting any conversations started without someone screaming "That's not random!")


For general conversations that change often but still have a subject, we have the General Chat Thread : viewtopic.php?f=15&t=758


Keep in mind both of these are still moderated. :P

Retired Forum Moderator

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XD Don't worry about it. A lot of the off topic forums tend to get overlooked in favor of the Accursed Farms related stuff.

Retired Forum Moderator

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