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Mysterious Valve ARG

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Anyone been keeping an eye on this? It's to do with potatoes and whatnot, and it seems it may be leading up to something big and Portal 2 related.


There's lots of information available:





Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Valve likes to include every member of their community it seems, from casual modelers to map makers to people who want to buy their way to success to ASCII coders.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I've been following it with interest. If anything, it has made me download Portal again. It's downloading now, maybe there will be slight changes. I'll try to keep an eye out.


I did read the article about the emails sent by Newell and some of the conclusions that the community came to, regarding the ARG. If we could only figure out what the deal is with the potatoes!

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I have my own theories about what happening:


1) ARG - promotion/PR of Portal 2. Pretty interesting one.

2) ARG - one of the way to sell bunch of Indie Games.

3) ARG - beginning of the new VALVe project. Something that we don't know about. Definitely it's not DOTA2 or EP3.


I'm pretty sure it's a great advertisement for Portal 2. The only thing that bothers me - it's very complicated for just... you know... a promotion.

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I'm pretty sure it's a great advertisement for Portal 2. The only thing that bothers me - it's very complicated for just... you know... a promotion.



See, that's something that always got to me about any ARG. I think I'm a fairly smart woman. I went to school and I got street smarts... yo.


But, sometimes, in order to decode some of the clues, it feels like you'd have to work at NASA.

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Ah, but regardless, it hypes up the interest. People want to know what's happening, what the next clue is, etc. They don't even have to do anything, they can just watch the people who know what to do, who find the clues, things like that. It's quite fascinating really.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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2 Lord Sinister


Agreed. But the problem is - I want to take part in finding clues, decoding etc. And then I realize how stupid I am. So, all I can do is watching. *sigh*

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Ah, but regardless, it hypes up the interest. People want to know what's happening, what the next clue is, etc. They don't even have to do anything, they can just watch the people who know what to do, who find the clues, things like that. It's quite fascinating really.


I agree. Some of us are big fans and don't mind trying to solve the riddles. But many people don't have the time or will to do it. As you said, those of us who can't help can warm the benches and cheer the others on.


At any rate, it gives more back story to something that truly deserves it.

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It's counting down.




Around two and a half hours left at time of posting.


Some people believe it's the early release of Portal 2. I'm wondering if it's the release of a demo.

1.5 hours left. I doubt it will be the early release of portal 2, but it will be something big related to portal 2.


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it's a countdown to reveal that they will release the game sooner if you buy and/or play more games in the Potato sack.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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