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Eradicator was an obscure first person shooter (with an optional third person view) released for DOS PC (and only PC afaik) in 1996-1997 by Eidos Interactive and developed by the now defunct Accolade Software. It never gained popularity and faded away due to falling under the shadow of the technically superior Quake and other more well known shooters such as Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and even Redneck Rampage (which is another sort of obscure FPS). It uses the Build engine by Ken Silverman, which was also used for the aforementioned games, except Quake.


Taking place in a science fiction setting and being a shooter with some platforming elements, the basic premise of the game is to survive the onslaught of enemy rogue robots and defense droids, some you can even take control of using remote controls and make it out of "the citadel", a huge mining installation which has fallen under the attack of an alien leader. Usually your protagonist is alone against the enemy forces, much like in Doom and Quake, though the game still has a very distinct atmosphere.


You can control three different characters, each with their own levels to complete and each with their own unique skills. Dan Blaze (no relation to Billy Blaze or BJ Blazkowitz) is the most balanced one and is logically the first one to complete with.


The game can also be played multiplayer, either co-op or deathmatch, and even supports IPX networking.


Due to Accolade having become defunct and Eidos no longer offering support for the game, it has become abandonware and can easily be obtained on the internet legally, and used copies can be found on eBay easily and cheaply due to the game's obscurity. The game can be played on modern post-DOS systems using DOSBox.





Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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