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I do not believe it is controversial to say that the majority of first world nations today are in no small part ran by corporations and politicians working on behalf of corporations.


In second and third world nations, it can be even worse, and the bigger they get the more they will try to strip away any protections modern nations have against their further monopolization and exploitation of people, nature, and the world at large.


The majority of current global catastrophes looming over us are being pushed by corporations in some way, whether it be the continued mass deforestation of the worlds major forests, hesitation in many nations to move away from fossil fuels and plastics, or even the expedited quarantine procedures that left covid free to make the world sick while even the WHO pretend like nothing is happening. All of this in the name of short term profits with little regard for long term consequences. After all, the people making the most money probably wont be alive by the time they are held responsible for ruining everything.


So what is one to do?

Well, for one, document the actions and crimes of the worlds biggest conglomerates so we do not forget their crimes. That is what this thread is primarily for. I probably wont be updating it constantly since I am busy as of current and can be forgetful, so feel free to present findings if anyone desires to.


Two, discuss the idea of a solution.

What can we do, either as individuals or as a society to prevent our nations be sold to the highest bidder and reign in the damage caused by rampant, unrestrained capitalism.



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