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Red Ace Squadron (and other Small Rockets titles)

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This really bugs me because Red Ace Squadron I remember playing quite a bit when I was younger (like, way younger), and a lot of other Small Rockets games that I never played. I don't really remember RAS being good, but because I like experiencing multiple types of flying games regardless of flight model and such and thought it was pretty neat at the time, I've been trying to track down a way to get a copy working of Red Ace Squadron and Master of the Skies: The Red Ace (I was big into World War I at the time and this was LONG before games like Verdun were around).


Problem being that Small Rockets shut down back in 2012, Red Ace Squadron and related titles have basically vanished other than trial versions for them with "Buy Now" links that redirect to Big Fish's home page. I've tried tracking down Johnathon Small, the company's former owner, but can't find the right one to actually try and talk to. I admit I myself don't know too much about programming or such things, not enough to try and make RAS work on a modern system, but last I knew he had some interest in trying to keep the series going and even had a sequel to RAS in the works as far back as 2007, but who knows what happened to that stuff.


I guess this is just a guy rambling about a lost piece of his childhood, but I have to wonder if anyone here might be able to help me out.


EDIT: This probably doesn't help me out, but my attempts at googling my way into using the game are leading me to keygens that don't even exist anymore. Doesn't bode well as far as I can tell :cry:

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I have an old copy of Assimilation, complete with a large selection of their demos, but I'd have to go digging through stuff to find it, and then hope time hasn't destroyed the disc... And it'll have to wait a week at minimum since I'll be out of town for that long....

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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