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Motivational help

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Well, as some of you know, I'm currently studying to get into the gaming industry. The field I'm pursuing is level design which is a rather artistically heavy aspect. Problem is, when it comes to art, whether it be Photoshop, drawing, or building, I always have a hard time starting. very hard time, actually, to the point where I start to stress and fear I may not complete in time. Not only that, but I have motivation issues when it comes to the actual work. I'm fine when I'm working on something I find enjoyable but life isn't always going to let me do what I love.


So that's why I'm asking this. I want to know if anyone has any kind of tips, advice, or any personal methods they use to motivate them into working? I realize that not everything works for everyone but I figured I'll try a few and see if any of them do.


If you haven't noticed, I got some personal correcting to do if I'm going to survive in this industry.


Thanks in advance.

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yea, ain't life a bitch like that? well look man i know how you hate long posts so i'll make this brief for your benefit. i'm pegging your problem being attributed to self doubt; you question yourself constantly. there's really nothing wrong with having a high standard in your work, so while i'm writing i lie to myself, i say to myself "everyone will love this", or "Ryan's going to feel happier reading what i wrote" to a certain extent, i convince myself that i'm the best damn writer alive, why? i'd never survive if i kept thinking of peer rejection.


another thing i've done is make excuses, actively make excuses to put it off, i'm sure you do this too, i mean after all we're both humans here (granted though, i did replace your arm), so try to avoid avoiding behavior, idk offer yourself an award for doing it, i don't allow myself to listen to music till my shit's done. i love music, so yea, makes my project pretty inconsequential


i lied about this thing being brief, sorry bro.


make a detailed map for your work, i can't stress how important it is to do this, not only for a good structure, but also because you'll think "oh my good god, the map is done, now i need to put it on paper" i structure my work, it's tedious at times, but it's very simple compared to the project, and doing that alone will motivate the shit outta you.


i have to pee.


okay i hope i helped you dude, any questions, please ask. :)

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yea, ain't life a bitch like that? well look man i know how you hate long posts so i'll make this brief for your benefit. i'm pegging your problem being attributed to self doubt; you question yourself constantly. there's really nothing wrong with having a high standard in your work, so while i'm writing i lie to myself, i say to myself "everyone will love this", or "Ryan's going to feel happier reading what i wrote" to a certain extent, i convince myself that i'm the best damn writer alive, why? i'd never survive if i kept thinking of peer rejection.

This made me chuckle a bit. But you are right, I do tend to be harsh on myself. I see complicated work and get the whole "I'll never be that good" feeling which ultimately makes me a bit afraid to try out of fear of the imminent failure. But I never actually thought to try and think of it in an opposite light of actually using an self-ego boost for motivation.


another thing i've done is make excuses, actively make excuses to put it off, i'm sure you do this too, i mean after all we're both humans here (granted though, i did replace your arm), so try to avoid avoiding behavior, idk offer yourself an award for doing it, i don't allow myself to listen to music till my shit's done. i love music, so yea, makes my project pretty inconsequential

Yeah, I'm definitely guilty of that. Half the time my excuses are something extremely petty like "maybe someone posted on my facebook"(one can hope. :P), or checking my email/forums/D-art/anything for replies to something. Sometimes I even gotta turn off my Wireless receiver just to avoid distractions.


The self-rewarding method also escaped my mind. I usually listen to music while I work to get my creative mood booming but now that I think of it, I usually spend more time changing songs than working. That can probably be changed with playlisting what I want ahead of time but putting it off till after can also be a good reason to get working. XD


i lied about this thing being brief, sorry bro.

Lol no problem.


make a detailed map for your work, i can't stress how important it is to do this, not only for a good structure, but also because you'll think "oh my good god, the map is done, now i need to put it on paper" i structure my work, it's tedious at times, but it's very simple compared to the project, and doing that alone will motivate the shit outta you.

This is actually a fantastic idea when I think about it. In fact, I think it's safe to say that a lot of my problems here stem from lack of organization leading to the whole thing about not knowing where to start, then to the stress attacks, etc. Maybe if I take some time out of the day after my classes to just sit down and arrange all my thoughts and plan out what I'll start with first and what I'll work on and when.


i have to pee.



okay i hope i helped you dude, any questions, please ask. :)

Thanks man. actually pretty helpful.



I do sometimes get random bursts of inspiration from somethings. In fact, I got some for my vector landscape project on DA after I saw a cartoon landscape and realize that vector art can be very cartoony.

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I always like a little hypnosis on YouTube. It helps me relax and improves my foresight. After a session I feel more confident in myself and overall, much happier. It cools off your brain. Also, do you have ADHD and do you take meds. If so, try to switch to Straterra. It's a nonstimulant, so it doesn't screw with your heart. And whenever I take it, it REALLY improves my work ethic and compatibility with everyday life.


As far as ideas for levels are concerned, use other levels from games you've played as inspiration. Get an idea of what you want to create and then just make it on the fly. When I draw TF2 maps, I get an idea of what I want and star drawing. As I go, I keep in mind how to keep the map Unique, Balanced, Challenging, and Fun.


Hope this helps :)

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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As long as you love creating art and you understand what good art is you will make it. Everything else is technique. (In the modern world)


This is a story of one of my idols:


It was a long way for him to become the one he is today. He started as a Deephouse producer and club promoter in the 90s. After his 'swimming club boat' had sunk in Helsinki harbour due to an accident, he lost almost everything. He worked as a garbage truck driver to make his living and he started a family instead of a band. One should not expect life to turn towards a career in the music business, but things went differently:


In the year 2007 Deep Dish voted 'All I want' their track of the year and one thing lead to another. Heavyweights like Underground Resistance, Laurent Garnier, Timo Maas or Âme supported his productions and the future looked immediately bright.


His formula is quite easy: He is a talented producer and singer; his versatile Dj-Sets are riding the wave of House and his Liveset is pure, deep Boogie. Over the last few years, he has established a unique sound which helped him to become one of the most effective & functional remixers in 2008.


We are talking about Roberto Manuel Rodriguez-Rantanen: Spanish roots & Finnish home. He is also known as Roberto Rodriguez ... Future Beat Investigator ... Track n Field or Acid Kings. Roberto needs no coloured masks or stupid haircuts. He simply took his chance with a little help of quality labels like Compost, Freerange, Sonarkollektiv, Raw Fusion, Laka Worldwide and Plastic City.


Without Channel Marketing he found his Channel. Without budgets, he did his campaign. It is Roberto's personal definition of contemporary Housemusic which convinced tastemakers and editorials. All requirements fulfilled. Status: in progress.


Sooner or later you should be succesful. The key is patience and determination.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I always like a little hypnosis on YouTube. It helps me relax and improves my foresight. After a session I feel more confident in myself and overall, much happier. It cools off your brain. Also, do you have ADHD and do you take meds. If so, try to switch to Straterra. It's a nonstimulant, so it doesn't screw with your heart. And whenever I take it, it REALLY improves my work ethic and compatibility with everyday life.

I do have ADHD and am medicated for it. The one I currently take is Vyvance. Probably the best I've used yet. I have used Straterra at one point but it didn't seem to work as well. The meds do help in that they calm me down enough to focus some, but it doesn't fully help the outlying problem, which is why I posted this. It allows me to focus in class, but you can't medicate a lack of inspiration. :P


Have to be careful though. Meds tend to give me the ability to super-focus on things, so if I don't start working as they take effect, I begin to focus on the wrong things and find it incredibly hard to break off of it and back onto something else.


As far as ideas for levels are concerned, use other levels from games you've played as inspiration. Get an idea of what you want to create and then just make it on the fly. When I draw TF2 maps, I get an idea of what I want and star drawing. As I go, I keep in mind how to keep the map Unique, Balanced, Challenging, and Fun.

Yeah I've found myself doing this as well. I tend to mentally absorb level design into my head in all the games I play because I know that knowledge of a wide range of environments is key to being a level designer. I can guarantee that I won't ever be working on only 1 type of environment in the industry.



@Prohypster: I do love creating art. I just tend to let petty things interfere: lack of knowledge, Fear of harsh criticism, and sometimes, oddly, worry of how long it'll take to complete. They're such silly things to worry over too, especially the last one considering the best things are never rushed.


Thank you for the words of wisdom, though. :)

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fear of criticism


Holy crap I'm about to use MLP as a life-lesson teacher. I haven't seen someone do this in a while.


Do you remember this, Rarity?


Now what was the lesson we learned? :)

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Lawl, yeah I remember that. But some fears are harder to overcome than others. :P


it's not all criticism, it's the kind where people just tear it apart for it's bad and ignore the good that really cuts deep. Kinda like what BTG said on the topic for the deus ex sig. I'll be honest, it hurt.

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The first time a brony video fits the situation o_O. I was going to comment about criticism but you beat me to it.


Criticism is always going to be there, you can't avoid it.


Even if you do nothing you will be criticized for not doing it and starting your career.


@Update@ @Rarity's post@


Yet that was an unreleased art wasn't it?

I also wonder, what did you think about your signature? Did you yourself like it?

If you did like it then that's what counts, usually for me I put unreleased music out there specifically because I don't like it (If I did like it I would release it already) and so I can get comments on how to improve it.

Unreleased art sole purpose should in fact be to get criticism and suggestions and show improvements.


It is important to be a perfectionist when it comes to releasing proffesional art.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Don't let other people's opinions get to you, man. If there's anything I've learned from 3 years of high school, it's that other people's opinions usually SUCK. I've been told so many times I'll never make any friends and that I'll nrlever get where I want to, but most of the people who said that, now respect me and a lot are my friends. They were dead wrong about me. If somebody says your work sucks, ask them what to improve. If they can't come up with anything, they're obviously just being a dick.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Yes, what counts is not the "yes" or "no" but "why".

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I personally love it, yes. Even if my overly self-critical side stresses over the small things. :P I guess that is what's important for recreational art.


I guess what I tried to say but didn't word very clearly: I can handle criticism, because yes it will always be there, but I don't necessarily look forward to it. And this, factored in with the other things that I stress over just adds up.


I have been getting better about it though. I've started showing recreational work to my instructors for their feedback on things, asking for tips that I could improve, explain the processes I used, etc. I find their feedback, harsh or not, is the best I get. :P


edit: whoa, double ninja'd.

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im not very good giving advice, but i'll do my best. i also have trouble when starting a project. no matter if it's for school, personal life, not even a simple skin. to overcome this, try to base your project on someone else's. im not saying you should steal his/her work, but, in level design (for instance), look at other maps, real life buildings, parks, streets, museums (good for finding detailed info on the time period the map is set on), websites and/or forums.

i know you have ADHD. i've got another problem that kinda acts in the same way: my 14 dogs barking all the time, stealing my shoes, eating my snacks, touching the power button on the CPU (what involves standing up, grab a stick, chase the dog all around the house, grab the SOB, put it in the drawer for 10 minutes, then release it). my solution to it (i have no idea if this works for you) is just locking myself. not let any other thought get in my mind besides the work. if a dog barks, i just not listen. remove the internet wire, disconnect the TV, get all distracting things away from my room, closing windows and curtains (if i look outside for just 3 seconds i start daydreaming and i stay like that for 1 hour. happened more than once), locking all dogs in mom's room, no music, no food, no drink.


try not to care too much about people criticising your work, nor deadlines. i tend to start making things months before having to hand in. that way, if i get distracted, i still have time to do my job and get distracted. try also having an advisor.


to be continued...

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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