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Hunter's Galaxy: A Space Opera RP [:(]

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Yilne walked into the Room. He realized how late he must've been. his neural enhancement immediately picked up the universal language being English and filtered his Jiespherion language accordingly. "i gather i'm not too late, recent matters had me, well, pretty distracted."

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Argyle's interest was piqued by one of the prospective Captains mentioning he had seen the Carbunkle in a dream, but kept it to himself.

"The commission would be 600,000 bits plus 15,000 per crew member, pending successful venture there and back. You all would be flying escort to the ship I've already hired that will be carrying myself, that will also transport what we can of the Carbunkle."

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Sorry I'm late to the party



Scorch, who had been listening in on the conversation from a bug he planted in the tavern late last night, mused to himself. "So, another fool is going to seek that treasure, huh?" He smiled to himself and opened his communicator. "Glain-Neidr, this is your captain. It turns out we'll be proceeding as planned. Ready the ship for departure at my command."


"Yes sir, Captain Scorch!" replied an eager-to-please Destiny. "Claud and Sydney just returned from exchanging our recently acquired... provisions." She said with a giddy laugh.


"Good," Scorch closed the communicator looked toward the tavern's entrance. "I reckon it's time to join the party," he said as he approached the tavern's entrance. Using his mechanical arm, Scorch swung the door open, and immediately started sizing up the group gathered around the professor. Had Destiny been there, she would have been anxious from anticipation. Luckily, though, Scorch had much more self control than that and simply made his way to the group, the tavern's retro floorboards squeaking and creaking under the weight of his body. He stood at the group's rear and cleared his throat to get the professor's attention.


"You must be Professor Argyle. Pardon my tardiness, as I'm not familiar with these parts," Scorch said. "I do hope it's not too late for one, such as myself, to sign up for your expedition to locate and secure the allusive Carbunkle."

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Captain Tagon, whose attention has remained on the professor rather than the newcomers (unlike his escorts), analysing his words, narrowed his eyes..."Professor, I don't believe I've ever heard of this ship before...or this supposed 'golden planet'. You say the ship disappeared, and you believe it's wrecked. Can you give us any more than that to go on? Disappeared under what circumstances? Do you have any idea what they ran in to? I'd rather avoid my ship meeting the same fate..."

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Yilne Smirked, he had barely registered Tagon speaking. he was working out strategies, tossing out ideas as quickly as they came up. "A simple escort mission Tagon, 7 experienced captains with the addition of the Professor should be more than enough for this proverbial Bermuda triangle." he said evenly.

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"A simple escort mission Tagon, 7 experienced captains with the addition of the Professor should be more than enough for this proverbial Bermuda triangle."

"Professor, I don't believe I've ever heard of this ship before...or this supposed 'golden planet'. You say the ship disappeared, and you believe it's wrecked. Can you give us any more than that to go on? Disappeared under what circumstances? Do you have any idea what they ran in to? I'd rather avoid my ship meeting the same fate..."

"The current theories floating about the extranet (what few there are these days) are navigational problems; my research has led me to believe the most credible theories are ones that surround the idea that the Carbunkle was disabled by asteroids or some other similarly natured disaster, not enemy attack.

The route we've charted will be relayed to all participants once we've cleared the Carina system, my ship is loitering just outside awaiting me."

Argyle slipped his datapad back into his pocket.


Other player's dialogue identified in bold and differentiating colors.


This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Captain Tagon looks thoughtful, then says "Just asteroids hm? Fair enough although I have some more questions; how do we know the wreck is still there? Or this golden planet? It'll be risky getting there sure, but how do we know others haven't already made off with the wreck or its cargo? And just what is this golden planet? Just how long have you spent researching this and why is it mythical? I'm sure I'm not alone here in wanting to know as much about what we're in for as possible..."

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Tharebas raised his head and, as if he hadn't listened to the conversation, he simply stated:"Tampering with legends forgotten will uncover things that shouldn't be known..." Then he tilted his head back and entered a seemingly inactive state.

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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The robot in my ship is made for tracking lost cargo or enemies in conditions where radars and other navigation devices are useless. He'll be really helpful, professor and will arrive in half hour.

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Professor, believe me when I say my squad and I are by far some of the best the galaxy. You will be able to execute this mission with the greatest of ease with our support.


I have heard this myth before and I trust your intelligence enough to believe it could definitely be on the "Golden Planet," but I would like to know what we'll be facing. Now mind you, I don't scare easily. But I do know what a suicide mission is. What kind of enemies are over there?

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Yilne just continued to sit quietly where he was and summoned a waitress over, he ordered himself a drink and waited for it to arrive. he avoided the Professor's eye, he tried his best to not nerve the professor, he could tell at once that he was stressed about something.

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"It'll be risky getting there sure, but how do we know others haven't already made off with the wreck or its cargo? And just what is this golden planet? Just how long have you spent researching this and why is it mythical? I'm sure I'm not alone here in wanting to know as much about what we're in for as possible..."

The stalwart looking Captain with a goatee Argyle took a notice of, looking less unsavory that most of the other patrons of Carina he had encountered yet.

"My Professorship is in Astroarcheology. I've been in the business of knowing hard fact from hooey for over two decades, so I should think my word is credible. However if you're interested later I can show you what I've researched so far for my thesis on the Carbunkle." said the Professor, adjusting his glasses.


"I have heard this myth before and I trust your intelligence enough to believe it could definitely be on the "Golden Planet," but I would like to know what we'll be facing. Now mind you, I don't scare easily. But I do know what a suicide mission is. What kind of enemies are over there?"

"Well, er..." the Professor was at a loss for words to describe what the journey would entail, since even the requirement of an escort was not at his own behest. He then decided it would suit to set out.

"That would be an excellent question for my Captain." he directed his voice to the ensemble.

"If you are indeed to be my escort, please be getting to your respective vessels.", placing a multi-access chip on the table, which automatically and wirelessly transmitted information to the datapads of the recipients he had already indicated to his own datapad.

"You will all follow me to formation around my Vessel, which I will travel to by shuttle. Pleasure to be greeting you all."

New Objective

Players are to return to their ships and prepare to launch, or launch them.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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"You too, Professor." Srake got up form his seat carefully skirting around the massive suit of armor. He walked to the door and paused in the doorway. He looked back at the small crowd that had gathered. 4 Humans, 1 Amphibian humanoid, 1 Suit of Armor and 1 Cyborg. He sighed and offered a small grin, "You guys comin'?" He rushed out the door to his ship. He slammed his fist on the hull and a section of the wall slid to the side. He walked into the dull light of Tenrar. He walked into the room to see two humans sitting around idly. They both snapped to attention regarding the Pilot with intrigue. One of them, a male named Terren spoke up, "So whats up?" Srake threw the datapad over to them. They both looked over it. The other, a female named Jade, grinned, "Oh, Treasure!" Srake looked at her shaking his head, "That's not the point. We have a mission. Loot is a secondary objective." Jade looked away rubbing the back of her head. Srake took his seat at the front of the ship, "Right... Places people. Jade get the comms up an' runnin. Terren we probably won't need any fire support yet, so just sit back and try not annoy Jade too much. Just be ready." The two took there places. Srake turned back to the console and flipped the system to life. He peered out the window waiting for his companions to take their places.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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Suspicious but ever-tempted by the thought of wealth and fame, Dominicus proceeds to his rented docking bay, where his squad of 3 Shadow Beams idle. He tells his squadmates to follow him and takes off, pulling a few aerial maneuvers to warm himself up. He then proceeds to fall in formation at cruising speed in front of the massive ship belonging to the Professor.


"Now listen, Argyle," He says, trying to reach the professor through his communications system, "I want to know what's out there before some serious shit happens to me and my crew. I'll risk my life, but I will NOT sign a death warrant for your little treasure hunting cause! So somebody tell me what the fuck is on the other side of the galactic core or you're losing the best damn pilots the US Air Force ET branch has to offer!"

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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Well, I'm off. Before anyone could blink, the cloaked figure was gone, is ship included.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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"Very well Professor, I look forward to reading your thesis. We're in." The captain stands up, then nods at the professor in a respectful manner and simply says "Professor," and then turned and left the bar followed by his escorts.


On his approach to his ship, the Shadow Spear, he activated his wrist mounted communicator, "Commander, prepare the ship for take off, we're returning to the ship." A single "Aye sir" was the reply.



OOC: Just how many actions/large an action can individual players make? I say this now because some people have entered their ships and left already, and even define the actions taken by an NPC. I'm referring in this instance to Fluttershy (no offense intended here), where you say you're flying in your ship and falling in to formation behind the Professor's ship, yet Blue has not said the Professor has left the planet at all yet. And many people have yet to approach their ships and couldn't possibly be in this formation yet.


I realise the coordination of this is obviously going to be a little confusing at first, and as this is my first time doing anything like this I apologise if I'm misinterpreting/doing this wrong, however some clarification would be very useful.


Thanks. :)


Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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The Professor strolled through the canal-like alleyways of the spacestation's market area away from the Pub, heading towards the docks. It was a conscious effort he had to make in order to not look intimidated- not that there was all that much of a threat the casual passer-by. Simply enough, the fear-mongering media of richer or more developed human systems had done their work on Argyle's mindset towards the group he called "Thugs" that inhabited or frequented Carina. A beep squibbled from his chest pocket. By automatic reaction he dropped what he was thinking and pulled out his datapad. A message quite vividly indicated one Captain's concern for the risks involved. Argyle replied

"I know that we will be entering Nardo space at least twice, but the complete course I am not certain of. From what I understand, there is very little risk in terms of deliberately entering into territories that are enemies of Humans or similar allegiances. Trusting with the expertise and experience of the other Captains, I'm sure that your concern, while well-founded, is excessive." Edward hoped that his last sentence sounded more convincing to others than it was to himself.

In the tiny moment that he was putting his datapad away again, he realized with thoughts unclouded at the architecture of the spaceport. He would have noticed it sooner, had not his first sight upon entering the spaceport two days ago been looking up at the retro-deco construction of the entire place, as opposed to seeing a man gunned down in a duel, first thing spotted off the gangway.

"Eddie, you've let your worries get the best of you again. And now you'll be leaving this beautiful station. Blast."


Shortly enough, the minor automatic docking shuttle held in the Small size Dock-083 greeted his eyes, entering into the warehouse-like access and transport hub for the dock. All the Docks were bathed in a soft blue light, making stark contrast to visibility-yellow painted connectivity systems of the docked ships, visibility-red painted equipment that belonged to the Dock, and high-visibility orange of Dockworkers and Engineer staff, milling about or working on things.


The Professor's ID permitted him on board the shuttle, a tube-like vehicle not much bigger than a bus with a green stripe on the side.

"Welcome back [[Mr. Argyle]].

"Return to the Valiant, please."

"Course set. Departing as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing G-" Argyle tapped the readout to make it stop speaking, extracting from one of his pockets a very old fibre-bound journal and began writing.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Srake noticed the good Professor enter the port and head to a shuttle. It looked as though it would be ready to head back to the main ship soon. "Wonder if he's waiting for the others." Srake said. Srake tapped his fingers on the arm rest impatiently. He decided that this might be a good time to familiarize himself with his new Comrades. He opened up a comm link and sent out a message to the others. "Hey, Is this working? I just thought I'd introduce myself since we'll become the 'best of friends' over this journey. My names Srakenyl. Just call me Srake though. I'm a... Doppleganger. I'm not much of a fighter as I'm a pilot. My gunner will be doing most of the fighting. Hopefully we won't have to do much of that though. So what about you guys?"

They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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