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Hunter's Galaxy: A Space Opera RP [:(]

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Scorch sighed when the message from the Valiant came in. "Great, all these people want to do is talk... Take us in and dock the ship, Destiny."


The Glain-Neidr approached the Valiant and stopped short of one of the docking bays. A bridge from the hull of the [i[Glain-Neidr[/i] extended outward, connecting itself to the Valiant.


"I'll be back shortly," Scorch said to his crew. "I want you all to remain inside the ship unless I call for you. Seal the doors and don't let anyone other than myself onboard."


"Yes, Captain" said Claud. "I'll make sure no one else leaves the ship."


"I bet the Valiant has some treasure stowed away..." Destiny mumbled.


"Don't even think about it," said Scorch. "You are to remain here."


"Is there anything you wish for me to do, captain?" asked Sydney.


Scorch thought for a moment. "Nothing in particular. If there's anything that you need to do, I suggest you do it before a situation arises, though."


Sydney nodded and left the bridge. Scorch proceeded to the docking link between the ships and moved onto the Valiant. Ignoring the odd gazes the Valiant's crew gave him, Scorch made his way to the briefing room, where he saw the professor and the captains of the ships. He silently watched the conversing captains while supporting a nearby wall.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Alright! Things are getting under way. Let's figure out what's going down


You all got the message squad! Time to dock! Keep your wits about you; you never know what kind of crap people will pull when they've got limitless space to hide in.


Coming in for landing, Professor!


As the small, black ships approached the docking bay, they seemed to come from nowhere, their black paint camouflaging them in the dead of space. The ships slowed down and landed, almost simultaneously, in designated landing zones in the docking bay. Dominicus and his crew exit their ships and proceed to mingle with the small crowd of pilots who have all come for this mission.

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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A crew member walked up to the captain "Sir, we need to dock our ship so we can enter-" The crew member never finished his sentence as a ninja star was sticking out of his throat, killing him instantly "No one tells me what to do, I'm the captain! if any of you other low lives wish to inform me of something I already know, now's your chance!"


"No sir, we know better, but my I ask a question?" Another crew member asked in fear.


"Alright, what is it?" Asked the cloaked man.


"Um... why haven't we docked and entered the Valiant yet?".


"It's because I've been busy doing some research, those fools have no clue what Argyle is hiding, but I do, and I intend of stealing it, then the treasure is mine! Now I know where it is, we're ready to dock and unfortunately I have to play along a little longer, as the time isn't right."


The cloaked figure then walked to the pilot.


"inform Mr. Argyle that we're ready to dock and make sure no one enters or leaves the ship while I'm inside the Valiant unless they give the password."



Wash, the pilot, informed Argyle that the captain is coming on board, and as planned, only the captain exited the ship to enter the Valiant.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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The briefing room bustled with various elements of conversation, although the tonality was fairly hampered with distrust and enmity. Argyle took stock of his Convoy's command to-be: four men, a Doppleganger, a Corsian, a Jiespher and apparently some variety of robot. "Small favors indeed!" he thought to himself. Roam spoke up before Argyle did.

"Greetings, fellows. I am Captain Richard Roam, I command the Valiant. And as Captain of the Expedition under our good friend the Doct-"


"Professor Argyle, I am Commodore of this Venture and as such, am in charge of this Convoy. Professor Argyle trusts my command to be in the best interest of the Expedition, so with all courtesy I expect your cooperation and obedience as much as well all expect to be paid handsomely." he gave a hungry sideways glance at Argyle. Edward simply looked on, waiting patiently for Roam's speech to conclude.

"Professor, would you care to de-tail?"

"Thank you, Captain. Now that we are assured in secure quarters I will give more specific details regarding our mission. It was relatively inaccurate of myself to be saying that this was a Treasure Hunt. Indeed it is much more correctly termed an Expedition, because it is scientific in nature." Argyle clicked a button on a controller, making a hologram appear in the middle of the room of the star Iyliss, detailing the orbit of its five smallish planets. "We will be travelling to Iyliss system not because of the golden Planet, we are headed there because of the U.E.R.S. Carbunkle.

What most people think of when they hear of the Carbunkle (if they even have heard of it), regarding it being a lost vessel full of unimaginable wealth gleaned from the golden planet, or that its a refinery vessel filled to the brim with precious ore- are myths."

A picture of a very newly built-looking and quite highly advanced (for 100 years ago) vessel appeared on the projection.

"The actual nature of the Carbunkle is Suprafundamentalochemidynamics. It's a research vessel designed to do complicated research in the inter-dimensionality of matter on a large scale, for chemistry research." an artist's rendition of the Golden Planet appeared.

"The nature of the golden planet however is not a myth; 150 years ago, the golden planet, Iyliss-2, was a gas giant. The Carbunkle's advanced research according to records I have analyzed, was able to compress the planet's density in a controlled manner so that they were able to change its chemistry completely and consistently, turning it entirely into a large sphere made of gold. Obviously gold does not have as much worth in the galactic economy compared to dismini or thorium or even platinum. However the fact that the Carbunkle was capable of such a feat has far-reaching implications on Material Science, as well as the galactic Resource economy, which is why I've been sent to do my research on why it disappeared, and if its possible to recover the research which they conducted."

Whomever of the Captains present that did not have 'poker faces' pronounced themselves in their expressions, as Argyle concluded his presentation.

"Our course will take us as direct as we can around the Galactic Core." continued Roam, sitting down. "Obviously if Argyle had the funding, he would have taken some kinda diplomatic course through the politicians and chartered one of those Rad-shield ships to take him through the core, but not everyone is made of that kind of money (or patience). We'll be heading through the Nardo Border, to Rigel, Fisny, Harrowing and then we're on our own starguilding from Argyle's research to carry us the rest of the way there. All in all the voyage should take 10 days or so, one way. The obvious risk then is just the weirdness of localized law as we pass through as many territories as we'll do, so the best thing will be just not to be seen.-

You can take your leave Professor, I'll just be filling them in on the navigation and so on."

Argyle nodded in assent. "Good luck to you all. I trust we shall all see this to good hands and good minds." with that, the Professor left through the door and down the hall, to his private study.

As soon as the brief room door had shut behind him, Richard looked at the ensemble of characters. His expression slowly changed from serious commandment into a wiley sneer that almost said 'I hope you weren't taking all that too seriously.', putting his hands together at the height of his mouth, elbows resting on the table.

"I know your types. None of you would trust a dog to run away if you kicked it.

You want to know what I think? I think our good friend the Doctor there," he said, thumbing the door "isn't in it for the research. I checked his stuff when he was away, he's not part of Polaris. He's been getting angry mail from the Acter Society too.

I think he's in it for a private venture. Maybe he's funding it out of his own pocket, or has a rich uncle someplace up high. You all know the big fancy-britches types with their diplomas but no astro-know-how. Maybe he's just in it to get whatever secret's hidden in the Carbunkle, gonna take it and sell it and use the rainfall from that to pay us. Or maybe even he'll get to what's in the Carbunkle and then call in the Rangers and have us all jailed and impounded. Or worse.


Trust me when I say I got a good plan going on that'll see us all on the winner's end of this. Just stick together, follow orders and I can assure you that whatever Eddie promised you guys is the least you might be seeing in for this job."

Captain-Commodore Roam stood to his full height, looking remarkably dapper and with all the silent hope of a con-artist at the height of his genius.

"We're all in this together." he said, smiling warmly. "Any questions?"

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Tharebas' eyes flashed red and, for the first time in years, his stance showed a hint of emotion.


"Treachery... Brings you one step closer... To the T'zseth... I like that... You won't..."

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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Got any food? I'm starving. Said garret while his stomach made weird sounds

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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The Jiespher didn't trust Roam at all. He thought how easily he could kill the Captain, it wouldn't be hard, it's only a human. Hell, judging by Argyle's attitude toward him it seemed like he wouldn't be missed much. Yilne has always been a great judge of character, but this guy- he was all over the place. he was thinking of just drawing his Laser pistol, holstered away at his side, and shooting him in the heart. He almost did just that, right before Roam asked "any questions?". instead he just said:


"No, i think i got the gist."


He tried to hide his contempt. he had already decided that Roam was his employer and that there wasn't any need to kill him.

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"Got any food? I'm starving."

"After the brief, ask the hall monitor console for the cafeteria. A guide line will show up on the floor that will take you right there. Anyone else?"

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Hearing all of this from Roam triggered the dream the cloaked figure kept on having about The Carbunkle, some how, Roam, Carbunkle, and himself were all connected, but he couldn't figure it out, then all of a sudden, something came back, all he could say was "Shadow's back".


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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""After the brief, ask the hall monitor console for the cafeteria. A guide line will show up on the floor that will take you right there. Anyone else?""


Scorch looked up toward the table of captains, settling his gaze on Roam. "If this plan of yours is so good, why not tell us about it now? I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting to know how you won't," Scorch cleared his throat, "rob us of our bounty."

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Roam shot a look at Captain Sinclair.

"If you're referring to anyone's intention of simply kidnapping Argyle so that you could extort from him the exact location of the Carbunkle, firstly "Good luck" with getting through all the territories" said Roam sarcastically "second, we stand a better chance of making it working as a team, and third, the whole shpeil of mine is still a work in progress, since it's still a hunch of mine that he's lying about the expedition thing; I don't know for certain. If he's telling the truth about the study stuff then we're all better off just doing what we all agreed to for the job in the first place. If he's lying then it's better to worry about some kind of heist when we're closer to the planet than we are now. And if you're thinking I'd pull a fast one on all of you once we're actually there, think about how stupid that sounds. Either I try to make off with it when I'm outnumbered and outgunned in hostile territory, or we go all together and make it back, all of us rich and famous as the first people to have ever reached Iyliss and lived to tell the tale in over a hundred years."

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Scorch couldn't help but give a half-hearted laugh at Roam's response. My, someone has a sensitive nerve. Argyle clearly isn't a good judge of character.


"Who said anything about kidnapping Argyle? I merely wished to hear about your so-called plan," Scorch stood up, the gyros in his legs whirring softly. "I'd hate to be taking orders from a captain who can't think even a half-step ahead of the rest, a sentiment with which I'm sure we can all relate." He said, gesturing to the other captains in the room. "Maybe once you get your... spiel... then we should discuss the details." Scorch turned toward the doorway. "Oh, and one more thing, Captain Roam."

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Roam simply looked to the side with a raised eyebrow.

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"If anyone's going to need luck getting through the territories, they're going to be on the Valiant,, not the Glain-Neidr. Remember that." And with those words, Scorch tipped his hat to his fellow captains before calmly excusing himself from the room and making his way back to his ship.

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Roam stood, grabbing his coat with one motion and heading towards the door.

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you'll all show yourselves out. It will be a pleasure working you." He took one last cursory look at all of the Captains present, adding their faces to his memory one last time. "Four, five, six..-" he thought to himself. "There were eight when we begun the meeting, and that one that cantered out I don't think I'll be forgetting soon. But where is that...! Ninja."

Argyle came running up to Roam from his study, quite obviously frantic. The professor seemed to try and grab Roam by the sleeves of his arms but seemed to run off to one side grabbing only air and almost falling forwards, his glasses firmly fixed on his forehead. The miss of the gesture soured his face further in indignation.

"Someone has stolen a copy of my starguilding documents! Whoever has it must be planning to steal away to Iyliss by themselves."

Roam's face, which had already changed from his thievish guile to a strict tonality, began at an incredible pace towards the bridge.

"One of the Captains we had here was a rogue. It was probably the ninja; I'll see this through."


Elsewhere, the Ninja, Captain of the Invisible had stolen away back aboard his own ship, departing with the intention of activating his own Interstellar Drive with the stolen copy of the Iyliss coordinates.

"All I'll ever need." The Invisible drifted away from the convoy in silence, charging its stealth node.

"Valiant to Invisible, return to dock immediately." said a com-link, with an imperative stress to it.

"Ignore them. Get us out of here." said the Ninja. "Silence that radio."

"PHY-032 Invisible, revert course now or we will ope-*[][ cut out the radio.


"No! You can't just shoot him!" protested Argyle.

"He's compromised the Expedition by stealing that data, and if he has it, anyone may as well have it. It will be hard enough to reach Iyliss by ourselves, I don't want to have to compete with anyone to get there first. If he refuses to yield, we have no choice."


"Captain, the Invisible has cut off the signal." said one of the engineers.


Before the Professor could say or do anything, four soft thuds resonated through the hull of the Valiant as the heavy cannons fired a fusilade of shells towards the escaping frigate.

The shells tore into the Invisible, reaming the engines into different directions just as it begun to fire the Interstellar Drive, rending the ship into several different chunks flying apart from each other at high speed.

Argyle stood, looking at the display screen at what had just happened, barely believing his eyes....


"I know what you're thinking" said Roam, speaking into the silence. "..and you're wrong. No it's not your fault. He stole at his own peril, and its his fault now."

The utter brutality of the situation came as a shock to Argyle. Roam spoke truthfully; Edward could blame himself for having started the expedition and enticing these people with promises of money, and because he offered that now at least one man was dead. But that wasn't a reasonable conclusion. Edward realized that Roam had said accurately by saying that the Captain of the Invisible took the risk upon himself to escape, but not without consequence. Argyle continued to say nothing.

"Maybe you should return to your stateroom, Professor." said Roam courteously. Richard realized how protected a life Argyle must have lead, being so academic in richer worlds. The Professor continued to say nothing, looking somewhat blankly on the verge between despair and anger. But he turned and walked away off the bridge. As he walked down the main corridor, he clasped his hands together and started speaking to himself quietly.

Roam simply watched the debris drift for a moment. His face was stoic but it bore a quiet sullen inflection, in sadness of having to destroy another life, once again. He recollected himself.



R.I.P. Psychotic Ninja, who has elected to leave the game because he was having a hard time integrating with the narrative style, and wasn't having much fun. He holds no grudges and blames no one for this happening, nor should any player think it their fault. We're glad for the time we had with him, but unfortunately he won't be playing with us any longer. If you'd like further details, PM Psychotic Ninja or I. The game will continue despite the loss of one player.


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"Gentlemen, I'm sure you'll all show yourselves out. It will be a pleasure working you."


Yilne walked out of the briefing room. As he was walking he realized he completely forgot where the docking bay was, he somehow got turned around. Then he eventually heard nearby voices.


"No! You can't just shoot him!"

"He's compromised the Expedition by stealing..."


Yilne recognized Argyle's and Roam's voices, he must be near the Bridge, he thought. He stepped closer to get a better listen.


"...I don't want to have to compete with anyone to get there first. If he refuses to yield, we have no choice." Said Roam.

"But-" Began what must've been Argyle.

"Captain, the Invisible has cut off the signal." said a third voice Yilne didn't recognize.



Then the ship began Vibrating and Yilne heard distant noises- explosions! Yilne recognized what must've been heavy Cannon fire. Yilne spoke into his Ship's designated Com channel.


"Just what the hell is going on?! Tell me what's happening, I can't see in here!"

"Captain, one of the other ships docked with the valiant disconnected a few minutes ago...they're shooting at it!!"

"Start up the ship, I want us disconnected and at minimum Battle range from the Valiant the instant I get aboard!"

"Combat Alert, sir?"

"Combat Alert: Sigma. i want us prepared for the possibility that Argyle and Roam betrayed us!"

"Aye sir."


Back aboard the Xielumbus the Helmsman armed the un-docking procedure and the Sergeant put up the rehearsed Combat Alert: Sigma. Once Yilne reported he was aboard the ship the Helmsman closed the docking bay, and disconnected the robotic anchor. Yilne made it up to the Bridge.


"Sergeant! You had the Targeting Buffer on standby, right?"

"Yes sir, of course."

"great, play the last few minutes of the targeting activity log back to me on the main screen."


Then on the main screen the image of The Invisible flickered on. It disconnecting from The Valiant, and a few minutes later being engaged and destroyed.


Yilne just stared at the screen for a while, he was trying to piece together what happened. He did not even remotely expect this, he thought there was something off with the human, but murdering him? He decided that that option didn't make any sense. The Jiespher had made his decision and his eyes began to glow intensely at the thought of what he was prepared to do.


"Sergeant...target the Valiant. Fire all on my mark." he said sullenly.


The main screen flickered and then came a feed from the targeting buffer. Yilne watched as three areas of the Valiant had been selected. Yilne opened up a private comm channel with the Valiant.


"Professor. Roam." he began. "My ship has three vital sections of the Valiant targeted and my weapons are armed. Believe what i say when i promise you that i will shoot you into oblivion...now tell me...what in the hell just happened." He said with no trace of emotion in his voice whatsoever.

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"Stand down." Commanded Roam. "The Captain of the Invisible had stolen intelligence that would have compromised the expedition. If he made off with it he might have gathered his own to try and beat us to Iyliss. I don't know about you, but I already think it's going to be hard enough to get there by ourselves. We don't want to be igniting competition from the get-go." explained Roam.

"Should we arm to counter?" suggested one of the weapons engineers.

"No." said the Commodore. "Let him decide for himself."

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"What do you want to do Captain?" said the Sergeant.


Yilne looked at the screen. One side was the floating wreckage of the invisible, the other was the Valiant. It's weapons hasn't moved in his direction as he had expected, Yilne took this as a gesture of good will. All too easily he could open fire upon the ship and there wouldn't be much the vessel could do in terms of return fire.




"Go weapon's safe. Belay Combat Alert: Sigma."

"Yes sir, Captain Yilne."


Yilne's eyes were still glowing white hot. He hadn't sensed any hint that Roam was lying to him. In the end it made sense, the exchange he heard from the bridge confirmed that there indeed was something stolen. It's funny Yilne thought. If fate hadn't happened me upon that exchange i, perhaps, would have opened fire...


"Roam, my apologies. My weapons are safe and my ship's battle status is rendered inert. If you saw things from my perspective you'd understand my reaction."

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Roam very subtlly smiled to himself.

"We'll need to work together if we want to get anywhere. Convoy comm, see to it that all the other Captains are informed of what happened now in a message, and then see to it we all form up."

Several of the engineers nodded in assent.

New Objective

Characters are to return to their ships and form up alongside the Valiant for Interstellar Drive travel.

Players with Strike craft may dock into the Strike dock of the Valiant.

Players with Strike craft may browse the interior of the Valiant if they have docked in already, and check out their Pilot's staterooms.


Everyone except strike craft have Interstellar Drive. I'm basically using this name because I already used the name "Hyperdrive" for sprint abilities in battle.


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Tharebas sat idle as if he shut down. Moments later, he exited through the Valiants airlock and got into the Abandoned One. After discharging the static field around the ship, he proceeded to dock into the Valiant. Once again, he ascended to the briefing room. He opened his comlink.


"May I... Talk to... The proffesor..?"

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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