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Here is an idea I have, it's a war for the freedom of the internet with the Internet as the setting. The characters are memes, content creaters, etc... Diferent web sights are diferent places for the story. For example /4chan/ would be a back water slum filled with mutated things vomiting rainbows. But I can't make this story alone, in fact I intend it to be something anyone can add to in any kind of Medea. But first we need to decide what each meme would be in the war, and they could be any thing form generals to solders to the weapons them selves.


What do you all think?

non-euclidean fuck machine

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I think it's an interesting idea. I'll sit here and watch the progress.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Hmm... nope.


I guess I don't have time or inspiration for having a forum war when I'm busy with my job or writing my own stories.... or just surfing on the Internets :P

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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