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Dose anyone remember this movie?

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This tread is used for when you remember a movie but not the name and want to see if anyone knows what it is.


The movie I'm asking about was one I saw a long time ago. It was a Kung fu movie or some thing, the voices were dubbed over. And there was a lot of funny parts.

The plot that I can remember is that a gang or crime family (or something like that) is threatening a town. As it terns out there are some old retired fighting masters there. They defend the town, the gange hires some guys that are good at fighting to attack. The main charicter is this one guy that wants to be in the gang but sucks, he works with his fat friend. The main guy as a kid spent the cash he was saving to become a doctor or something to get a pamphlet of how to do this odd fighting move (it's like a fu ro da but with your hand) it terns out he was scammed and gets the shit beat out of him.

2 of the fighting masters from the town are married and the old lady uses the lions roar thing. The gang at one point go to get a guy who went mad because there was no one in the world who would be a worthy opponent in a fight, the gang uses him to try to kill the 2 married fighters, the main good guy steps in and try's to stop him but gets the beating of a life time, he is saved by the married fighters and the beating "unlocks his Che" making him an epic fighter. He then has a big fight and at one point he is thrown in the air and jumps even higher off an eagle and sees a gient cloud Buda thing, he can now do the hand thing (that's like a fus ro da) and kicks the bad guys ass.



Dose anyone have any idea what this movie is? Because I really want to see it agen.

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Sorry, I can't help you. I don't watch much such movies. Any idea who were the actors?


EDIT: ok

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I have one:


It's a movie where this bus has too keep speeding around the city, keeping it's speed over 50, and if it's speed dropped, it would explode. I think it was called The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.


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Here, found it for you Psy Ninja:




jk, the name of the movie is "Speed", starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.


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