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Gaming Livestreams

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So anyone here do any livestreams? If so where can we watch them?

I have a twitch account myself twitch.tv/meffer5 (im the most inconsistent streamer on this planet).

What your not crazy too?

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I will be streaming from 17th 9am EST – May 18th 9am EST to raise money for the 3rd Annual 8-Bit Salute. I have joined team Roosterteeth and my goal is $100. If anybody would like to tune in to watch me fail at videogames and gradually wear myself down as the hours tick by feel free to tune in!. Donations would also be appreciated but are not required. My twitch account is at twitch.tv/meffer5 and my 8-Bit salute page is at http://www.operationsupplydrop.org/participant/meffer4. Any suggestions as to what games I should play would also be appreciated!

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

What your not crazy too?

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There's an edit button on each of your posts... It's best not to double-post...


On topic: I simply don't have the system overhead to be able to do any live streaming of my gaming sessions, nor do I watch others playing when I can be playing myself...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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