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Is it just me, or is Gordon right about a surprising number of things in the Half-Life universe?

-His speculation that Black Mesa is run by a Bond villain. From what we see of Dr. Breen, that's not too far from the truth.

-In one episode, he muses that he's like a cosmic plaything being bounced around. In Half-Life 2, he's in the employment of the G-Man, or atleast whoever he (it?) represents.

-Relatedly, his ramblings about having been 'chosen by ghosts' a la The Shining is kind of true, considering the influence the G-Man has over his adventures.


I'm sure there's more examples than just this.

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He's also correct in his assumptions that the aliens would bow down to him after he kills their leader, that he's destined for greatness, and that the aliens will see him as a religious icon. Oh, and he speculates that Black Mesa will get nuked, too. And he always thinks someone is following him.

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His speculation about the scientist teleporting to Xen and falling to their deaths is right. In Opposing Force you see exactly that.

He who fights drummers

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Well, to be fair, I think that's all somewhat intentional, since we all (and Ross, of course) already know all that stuff. :P

Let's call it foreshadowing (hopefully).

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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In the games themselves, I feel like they're leaning on the fourth wall sometimes. At least the vortigaunts do. I feel they seem to know about our Earth and that they're something like slaves to the Valve Software company but they don't know what to make of it. ("We serve the same mystery." "Far distant eyes look out through yours.")


That's why I love the Half-Life games. :D

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