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Words That Sound Verbally Horrible

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I thought this might make for a interesting thread. Are there any words in the English language that just sound verbally horrible to you? The word smut in particular rubs me the wrong way. Not the word itself nor it's connotation mind you but the way it sounds. Smut sounds like it would be describing a wet fart rather than the actual pornographic material the word refers to. Like imagine someone farting and that fart made a sound along the lines of "Smuuuuuutttttt". That's what that word sounds like to me. I've probably been thinking about this way too much but oh well.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Half of the German language.

And "Pulp".

I can never agree with those people that say German is such a beautiful language.


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Half of the German language.

And "Pulp".


My senior year in high school, we had a German exchange student who said that you could say almost anything in German, and it could come off as you being angry.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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coming from the person who's never set foot there longer than 2 minutes

the name's riley

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I think this a great topic Helio! :D I've never been fond of the word galangal, a kind of root used in south-east Asian cooking similar to ginger. I assumed the etymology the word was Indonesian or Malaysian but apparently the European equivalent of the name derives from the old French galingale. For me personally it just sounds horrible, like you're having some kind of monstrous facial tic and the word was just some noise people made whilst their mouths were spakking-out.



coming from the person who's never set foot there longer than 2 minutes

No offense but could you two do this somewhere else?

When close friends speak ill of close friends

they pass their abuse from ear to ear

in dying whispers -

even now, when prayers are no longer prayed.

What sounds like violent coughing

turns out to be laughter.

Shuntarō Tanikawa

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No offense but could you two do this somewhere else?

No offense but did you completely miss the part where ninja didn't respond to me?

the name's riley

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