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I've heard of it but never played it. I believe it used to be a mod for Half-Life, but later developed in to its own proper game.


Is it any good?

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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I enjoy it, though it is better w/ friends over LAN or TS/Vent then just random people.

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When i read the title i thought this topic is going to be about the Borealis o.o, i need to play less HL2


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Or, play more other games, maybe.

I always want to play more games, only problem is that i don't have that much money and parents HATE gaming and don't want to buy games for me. Also i don't have time to game(LOTS of time goes to school, social life and reading this forum lol).


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Or, play more other games, maybe.

I always want to play more games, only problem is that i don't have that much money and parents HATE gaming and don't want to buy games for me. Also i don't have time to game(LOTS of time goes to school, social life and reading this forum lol).

Torrents are your friend. I can PM you a basic guide to safe torrenting if you want...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Or, play more other games, maybe.

I always want to play more games, only problem is that i don't have that much money and parents HATE gaming and don't want to buy games for me. Also i don't have time to game(LOTS of time goes to school, social life and reading this forum lol).

Torrents are your friend. I can PM you a basic guide to safe torrenting if you want...

I know how to torrent, i torrent old games i can't find anywhere to buy and movies. But i like supporting the developers and giving them what they deserve.


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I always want to play more games, only problem is that i don't have that much money and parents HATE gaming and don't want to buy games for me. Also i don't have time to game(LOTS of time goes to school, social life and reading this forum lol).

Torrents are your friend. I can PM you a basic guide to safe torrenting if you want...

I know how to torrent, i torrent old games i can't find anywhere to buy and movies. But i like supporting the developers and giving them what they deserve.

Then torrent until you can buy, then buy and remove the torrent... Simple, and gets you gaming sooner...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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