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Looking for an old game from 90s

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Hey guys,


Recently I had some though that I remember a game I played as kid (somehow got scared of it as well). Even though it wasnt horror but silly game about alien abductions.


What I remember it was old PC game, in that era where you would buy game magazine and they would give you a lot of shareware and demo versions of games. I don't think it was DOS game. I don't remember the name and any attempt of finding even screenshot of the game did work. I went through lists of games about alien abductions, and I couldn't find anything that would fit my memmory as well...


It was in isometric view. You flew with flying saurcer and your objective was to abduct cows, while avoiding angry farmers shooting at you. I don't remember the graphics, but It wasn't colourful. It had like real life black and white images photos on the load screen and end game I think. The alien looked like long, thin cucumber with only one eye at the top, and staying upwards so it was pretty simple design.


I found this thread on internet, but there was no any useful answer to it, yet the description of the game fits my memmory, so it must have been real game and not something I made up.


Do you have and thoughts?

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Finding these kind of games is always a problem, I tried to search for it and I found things similar to it (X-Fools: Abduct This!, Cow Abductor, Rettet Die Kühe) but they are all different in some important aspect from your description. It doesn't help that the search results are filled with modern mobile games which has similar gameplay.


You can try searching game databases but these usualy have only the more known titles and it seems to me you are looking for one of those really obscure shareware/freeware games or even shovelware. For that you need a site focused on freeware/shareware games, but not necessarily, there are software hosting sites which have quite a lot of games as well like bluechillies.com, fileheap.com or ab-archive.net just to name a few.

If it is a game from some shareware collection CD, your best bet is to try to look for these CDs, some of these have the names of the respective games on their cover so you just need a picture of it and search the names.

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