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[Solved] Source SDK - Team Fortress 2 problems

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So now apparently my Source SDK suddenly expresses a dislike for Team Fortress 2; I can change the "Current Game" to any other game, but it simply won't let me select TF2. Every time I select it, it automatically switches to Half-Life 2. I can change the game to Portal, or Counter-Strike: Source, or any other game, but for some reason, not Team Fortress 2. I've tried re-installing the SDK and that's done no good, I've re-installed TF2 to no avail, and refreshing the SDK content and resetting the game configurations to default have done nothing. I'm stuck now. Can anyone suggest a solution?


EDIT: Solved.

Accessing C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\*username\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\gameconfig.txt and moving the Team Fortress 2 files to the top of the list fixes the problem. (Someone will thank me for pointing this out someday)

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