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PSN outage

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The playstation network has been down for the last four days. Sony has said it's because of an "external intrusion", meaning they were attacked from the outside. What I don't get is why everyone is angry at Sony. What did they do exactly? They got attacked and I'm sure are doing everything they can to get it back up (they are losing money every day it's down after all). We should be angry at the guy responsible for the outage, the "external intruder".

The way players are lashing out at sony seems akin to getting angry at a person who's been mugged.


"I got mugged!"

"Aw come on, how can you let that happen!"

"He had a knife! He took all my money!"

"Did you at least beat him up and get your money back?"

"Well, no. He had a knife."

"So you STILL don't have your money? You owed me 20 bucks!"

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People getting angry at Sony is pretty dumb, considering they have said it was an 'external intrusion' which caused the problem in the first place.


However I believe I read somewhere that they have now themselves shut down the entire PSN system for security upgrades or something due to the intrusion.



Anyway, this link has some information that may be useful, although as it says, Sony haven't been saying too much.



Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Only thing I can say is this: If it was such a lame security system that allowed that big of an intrusion into any system, Sony deserves 100% of the blame that they're getting.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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They lost everything. Uh oh.




They cannot even categorically say whether or not they've lost credit card details and such. Which probably means they have lost them, they say they're investigating this.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Ah well, I currently have 8 dollars in my checking account.

For once my brokeness comes in handy.

That doesn't stop your identity from being stolen, or your account from being overdrawn... And if they steal your identity you could end up with bills for credit cards you never got, usually in the $10k-$30k range. (the CC companies won't care that your identity was stolen, they'll do anything within their power to get you to pay them that money, including garnishing your wages)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Ah well, I currently have 8 dollars in my checking account.

For once my brokeness comes in handy.

That doesn't stop your identity from being stolen, or your account from being overdrawn... And if they steal your identity you could end up with bills for credit cards you never got, usually in the $10k-$30k range. (the CC companies won't care that your identity was stolen, they'll do anything within their power to get you to pay them that money, including garnishing your wages)


Hey, if that happens, Sony will compensate me, I'm sure. If they didn't, well, I know a lawyer.

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Hey, if that happens, Sony will compensate me, I'm sure. If they didn't, well, I know a lawyer.

Good luck with ever repairing your credit score then... Don't expect to ever be able to buy a car for sticker price again, or get any decent payment plans for anything.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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So they know my gmail and they can have the $2.00 on my account ( I only ever used PSN cards, never used a credit card online apart from Steam and Minecraft )... I don't really care

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Only thing I can say is this: If it was such a lame security system that allowed that big of an intrusion into any system, Sony deserves 100% of the blame that they're getting.



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Only thing I can say is this: If it was such a lame security system that allowed that big of an intrusion into any system, Sony deserves 100% of the blame that they're getting.

I think that's the main reason people are blaming Sony for the attack. But I think all systems, no matter how safe, all have a hole to exploit. It's just a matter of finding it.

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I think that's the main reason people are blaming Sony for the attack. But I think all systems, no matter how safe, all have a hole to exploit. It's just a matter of finding it.

Holes are defended by having an actual person monitor the system. If Sony didn't bother, they deserve the blame. (if they did have someone to watch the system, then they deserve even more blame)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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What's worse is that they probably had people working on security, and probably these people spotted the problem before, but management estimated that the risk was affordable (or the solution too expansive) so they didn't fix it, anyways Sony deserves all of it's blame, if I had their resources and I had this problem I'd probably resign.

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Apparently the hackers were able to steal important costumer information through the hole. Including addresses, phone numbers, emails, PSN logins and passwords and possibly even credit card data.




Indeed, I posted this a few posts above.


They lost everything. Uh oh.




They cannot even categorically say whether or not they've lost credit card details and such. Which probably means they have lost them, they say they're investigating this.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Oops, i tend to just read the recent post rather then reading the whole thread.


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Oops, i tend to just read the recent post rather then reading the whole thread.

This is a big problem with today's youth... (just after mainstream rap music, and CoD)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Oops, i tend to just read the recent post rather then reading the whole thread.

This is a big problem with today's youth... (just after mainstream rap music, and CoD)

Erm... i had read the whole thread before, but i didn't except so many new posts to have been made. So i just read like the few last ones.


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So apparently PSN users are getting-


Free identity protection services

A $1 million identity theft insurance policy per user ( read more about these 2 here - http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/05/05/sony-testing-psn-offers-free-identity-protection-service.aspx )


1 free month of PS Plus

1 free month of Qriocity

A free downloadable game package ( different for each region )


Looks like Sony is trying to save some of it's supporters, good job I say

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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