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more GUI restrictions

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so i wasnt really bothered about the GUI a lot before watching Ross' video and it got me thinking, specifically the part about Microsoft treating any 3rd party GUI customisation software as a virus. why the hell have Microsoft removed the ability to revert it back to the classis 95/98 layout? early days of windows 10 you could do that. i remember doing it. there are even tutorials on how to do it but you cant change it back anymore. i got so desperate i downloaded classicshell days before an update and yes that killed it off. so i dont even mind the functionality. i just want the classic aesthetic but microsoft wont even let me have that. the fact that they went through the effort to remove it astonishes me.


why are they forcing us to have it less personalised? im surprised im still allowed to have a custom wallpaper.

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So it will be more phone/tablet compatible and save them money on developing more than one operating system

Burn the World!

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