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Titan Chaser

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This one is cool.
no combat (or if there is I haven't reached it yet.)

You look for and "handle" giant monsters roaming in the mist.

You drive around in a car (there is both on foot and in car travel - open world) looking for them (one at a time in a mission based structure.) and you need to use the environment, or the floodlight on your car to drive them off.

some light storytelling.

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It's very janky, but has a lot of soul.

Map has decent variety, titans are amazing to look at, atmosphere is very well executed, and the car has lots of features, including music with radio shows. It even has a Halloween chapter, and black-and-white mode!

But it's rushed out of early access due to complications. Voice acting is meh, terrain looks rough, animations aren't most polished, and things like the car and locations has aspects that promise use will come, but doesn't.


Still highly recommend, especially since it's cheap.

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