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What are singleplayer games that feature a lot of movement TEK?

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TEK, for those that don't know, is a term for "tricks" not intended by developers that the player can do to their advantage: things like animation cancelling, wavedashing, bunnyhopping and rocket jumping.

As far as I know, these sort of high-skill options are almost exclusively restricted to multiplayer games, but maybe there are games out there that have both TEK and substantial single player content.


If you know of any, recommend them to me.


A good example is Cruelty Squad: a completely singleplayer shooter that features bunnyhopping, rocketjumping and a spring-like grapnel to propel oneslf across the levels at breakneck speed at the risk of killing yurself if you land too hard.

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On 2/6/2022 at 4:17 PM, StrixLiterata said:

TEK, for those that don't know, is a term for "tricks" not intended by developers that the player can do to their advantage: things like animation cancelling, wavedashing, bunnyhopping and rocket jumping.

As far as I know, these sort of high-skill options are almost exclusively restricted to multiplayer games, but maybe there are games out there that have both TEK and substantial single player content.


If you know of any, recommend them to me.


A good example is Cruelty Squad: a completely singleplayer shooter that features bunnyhopping, rocketjumping and a spring-like grapnel to propel oneslf across the levels at breakneck speed at the risk of killing yurself if you land too hard.

Thalos Principle - check out the speed run for it


Burn the World!

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