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What do you like better: male vocalists or female vocalists?

Male or female?  

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  1. 1. Male or female?

    • Male
    • Female

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In the past, although I've heard many great female vocalists, I would've said male.


Then I saw Wicked (the broadway musical). That changed everything. For a year or so after that, I would've said female. I'm still obsessed with that musical, if you couldn't tell.


Then came Les Misérables. Now I say male, but only very tentatively.

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Well, considering my favorite singer is Stevie Nix, I think that answers my question.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I feel like I can relate more to the singer when he is a male.

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I can not fucking decide!


In general, I mean. I think the second link is the best recording in the history of mankind.


Notice anything? They're all from Broadway musical; the point of the which is to bring out the emotion in the singer's voice--as opposed to making the singer look good (like many pop "stars" today). I think people that think that music is about making the singer visually appealing are really missing the point of the art form.

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blightmare, you posted that message three minutes after I did; that leads me to believe we were typing our messages at the same time.




I love you.

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Funny thing is I didn't read the "Wicked" in your original post till after I posted that. I just really like Musicals and when Ithought about my favorite song sung by a female, I immediately thought back to when I went to see Wicked and that epic song.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Epic song?!


Epic...doesn't even...FUCKING...DESCRIBE IT!




Although I would have to say that my favorite song period is Defying Gravity from the Wicked OBC (and only the Wicked OBC; if you say the Glee cover, hell, even the Idina Menzel pop cover was good (or worse, better), you are objectively WRONG and should be PUNCHED.), Les Miserables certainly has more depth.


P.S. "Objective" is a very strong word, especially when it comes to talking about art; I stand by my position. If you want to call me out on it, I will certainly defend it.

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For the longest time, the only female vocals I liked were like this:



Now there are more bands getting female vocalists that aren't 'pop'... The ones that actually do music, not just visual appeal.


When they're good, I like female better, but that is rare to find.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Alright, I've decided that female vocalists are just marginally better simply because of Defying Gravity. Technically, I like female vocals better but I like male vocalists a lot--almost as much as female vocals. The difference is negligible. If you were to graph my appreciation of the two, they would look the same--only when you superimposed fifty thousand magnifying glasses would you see that the female vocals bar is slightly higher than the male's.



That's not a bad song! I think I remember that one from Guitar Hero.

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Alright, I've decided that female vocalists are just marginally better simply because of Defying Gravity. Technically, I like female vocals better but I like male vocalists a lot--almost as much as female vocals. The difference is negligible. If you were to graph my appreciation of the two, they would look the same--only when you superimposed fifty thousand magnifying glasses would you see that the female vocals bar is slightly higher than the male's.



That's not a bad song! I think I remember that one from Guitar Hero.


Yep, GH3

Hi Friend.

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Remembered from guitar hero? :(


WTF is the radio playing if they remember Heart from GH and not a classic rock station? 'Scuse me while I go fix this. *grabs a Slapping Fish*


Edit: actually, screw that. So long as you know of them, I don't care where you first heard it.


2 others I like:




Retired Forum Moderator

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It's a pretty close split between the two choices.


I think it's because most people haven't listened to Defying Gravity. Excuse me while I go put on my noise cancelling headphones and listen to it while shutting out everything else in the world and enjoy six minutes of Wicked bliss.

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