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TF2 Machinima "lol" Characters

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To cut it short some time ago I stumbled on videos of tf2 where the characters of tf2 are transformed into some "lol" character with specific traits, if you don't know about them here are some intro videos at the bottom of this post. A lot of these videos I watched were very randomly funny :).

Mainly, I decided to make this thread to share info if anybody knows what the **** these characters are and how the **** they were created and who the **** did...:DDDDD


plus of course comments, opinions on which one the most awesome character is, questions, discussion, videos of more characters and ideas of yours are all appreciated. :)


I am for example curious as to who originally created all these characters :)

And what the hell is that music behind Painis Cupcake videos lol...


Anyway here are some videos of the characters if you missed them.





Painis Cupcake






Saxton Hale



Dic Soupcan/Seeman


"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Lol so let me get this straight...


Spyper consists of a character that is a merge between a spy and a sniper, snaps his neck when he changes voices between sniper and spy, lives in a flying van and comforts people when they are put down?

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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Lol so let me get this straight...


Spyper consists of a character that is a merge between a spy and a sniper, snaps his neck when he changes voices between sniper and spy, lives in a flying van and comforts people when they are put down?


Pretty much. :lol:




I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I was gonna link odd scout but I see someone beat me to it.




"Necks grow, medics die, viewers cry, and brotha, I scare people,


I'm a freak a' nature."

Retired Forum Moderator

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Nope. Nopenopenopenopenope.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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I think these people on youtube are running out of ideas!!

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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