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Left and Right Brained

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Any other interesting observations youve noticed with lefties and righties?

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being a Lefty i play with the yellow line when i drive, and for some reason i walk on the left side of people, it's not a preference, i just do it. also some other stuff that i'm not delving into my psyche to remember.

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Yeah man, if it weren't for him we'd have no 3D animated movies, and the PC market would be far less advanced.


What an asshole right?

You're attributing all animation advancement, and most PC advancement to one guy who did almost nothing with the programming/hardware of the machines that he made a fortune with? Not to mention that he pissed off the true brains behind Macs so much that they quit, (about the same time that they went to shit) and even gave back their stock just to get away from him...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Yeah man, if it weren't for him we'd have no 3D animated movies, and the PC market would be far less advanced.


What an asshole right?

You're attributing all animation advancement, and most PC advancement to one guy who did almost nothing with the programming/hardware of the machines that he made a fortune with? Not to mention that he pissed off the true brains behind Macs so much that they quit, (about the same time that they went to shit) and even gave back their stock just to get away from him...

Please stay on topic. This is not a topic about Steve Jobs.

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