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"The Tunnel" Maps Released

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This is just a quick post before the video release tomorrow. I've received some requests from a few people wanting copies of the maps used in "Civil Protection: The Tunnel." I only made the one outside The Tunnel (from Shadow of A Doubt). The rest (and edits to mine) were created by Andrew "Nicadeamas" Dehnart. If you use any elements of these maps in any of your projects you must include him in the credits somewhere.


These maps are unsupported, don't ask me for help on them, I didn't bother organizing them. There are some random test maps in here too. They weren't meant to be playable maps, just used for shots in the video. They were mostly created for Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (though the outdoors one was in Episode 1, otherwise the grass looked screwed). A lot of them use assets from other games / mods (Zombie Panic, Fortress Forever, Counter Strike Source, Dark Messiah, etc.). Honestly this stuff is a mess to go through, but if people really want it, they can dig through it. These are all uncompiled VMF files. Here's the link:


All maps for The Tunnel (7z archive)



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So how did they get out of the tunnel in time to make that Christmas announcement?

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how do I download the map????

Click on the link in the first post. That should give you a 7Zip archive. To open the archive you can use a program like WinRAR to open it. You can get WinRAR at http://rarlab.com. Once you have it opened, extract the files to the right folder.

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I'm thinking of attaching a few of these together, into one map for Gmod. Problem is though, I'm missing a model called "pod.mdl" in the map podroom maps. The filepath makes me think its a custom prop, and there's no way I can get it. Can you post a download for models that were custom, and not from any specific game/mod?

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