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Just a couple of questions and requests.

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Firstly you said earlier (This is not the question but the setup to one) that you will do a freeman's mind on half life 2 if you still have enough viewers. My question is will you be using cinematic mod? or smod? Or just standard half life 2? Also my request is that you pick up the gluon gun! Please! I simply would love to see freeman's thoughts on it. All the best -Jake

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It's probably going to be regular Half-Life 2. The die-hard Half-Life fans would probably kill Ross if he used the Cinematic Mod.

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He could still use the original valve models just with the enhanced effects and visuals, if he decides against this then I strongly recommend Smod using the realism mode. No more sk_plr_dmg_pistol 30 anymore! Now weapons do realistic damage! And they do realistic damage to you (But Ross would be using God mode so it wouldn't matter) Realistic effects,movement and weapons! I personally think this would be good for the series It doesn't replace models or textures to keep those die hard half life fans happy and any new guns you can just disable! if you want to (don't know why you would want to though) and Kicking! (Not as good as underhell's kicking, by the way check that mod out BEST MOD EVER!) Anyway what are everyone else's thoughts?

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Along the way there are hundreds of requests about the show, people want to see this or that. Mabye it would look fantastic but there's always a group of people who doesn't like something from this or other reason. And tehcnical diffculties eventually show up when you're recording from Half-Life, old or new (I know somethign about it now :P ) Mods can give even more surprises So it DEPENDS on Ross's idea and 100 other factors :]

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I don't know if realism mode would fir the series. For the HL1 installement Ross even lowred the difficulty so enemies are a lot easier to kill. Ading extr difficulty, realism and complexity would turn Freeman's Mind into a more assault-oriented seies, or at least it would bump a lot that aspect.


Half -Life 2 already provides a big change. Level design isn't as absourdly jhilarious as in the first Half-Life and having a heavier plot with heavier characters would already be a big shock. Although... I'd love to see a Freeman's Mind spinoff where all of that comes rue and Gordon takes a more serious and sharp persona, a bit like the Pirate Gordon but Serious-Combine killing-Assault ready-Blood thirsty Freeman.


I can only imagine what 10-20 years of stasis could do to Freeman's mental stability :P

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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