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Oblivion and Fallout 3 mods?

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"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I currently have neither...


If you end up making one for Fallout New Vegas, I'll give it a look.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I do have one for Fallout: New Vegas, but it's not uploaded to the Nexus because it is a pain in the ass to install. (It's actually the oldest of all my mods, started it it just after New Vegas came out. I made some large mistakes when I first made it, which is why installing it is such a pain, but kept developing it anyway for almost four years.) Which is a shame, because it is BY FAR my best work.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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See if you can compile it into an easier mod, and upload it... I'd like to give it a try.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well, let me explain what the exact issue is. It's nothing too big. See, at the time (before I tell you this long, LONG fuck-up, keep in mind I was 17, had just started modding two years before with Oblivion and had never made my own before) I had a nude mod installed, one of the old manually placed varieties, and I was trying to uninstall it to switch to a new one. I didn't realize, of course, that my new FOMOD nude mod would do that by itself. I had my BSAs unpacked, and I went into my mod and set the models and textures assigned to the player character races to the default, and saved it like that. That was likely THE dumbest thing I Now it gets all glitchy if you don't have your BSAs extracted, showing female characters' bodies in magenta, and if you install most nude mods it sets their texture right but not their model so it ends up looking strange and hideous, so it needs an additional plug-in to fix that by just resetting it to the default, and I still don't know if that works without BSAs extracted.


Kindof a shame that I messed something so good up so badly just to go from a silly looking nude mod to a more realistic one, but I did.


In short: Female bodies are messed up unless you extract your BSAs and nude mods require an extra plugin to function.


Oh, and just a disclaimer: My mod itself has absolutely nothing to do with nudity at any point. That was a totally separate thing, I just managed to fuck up my mod in the process and make it a pain to install.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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ROFL! (BTW, I run with 3 or 4 nude mods myself, just for a little extra realism)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well, I usually run one female and one male nude mod and call it good. (If I can FIND a male one. In this case, I still can't.) There. Realism taken care of enough for my purposes.


But if you can extract your BSAs, I can give you the mod and the additional plug-in just fine. But I'm not uploading it to the Nexus. So, quickly, what add-ons do you have? Because I have a separate file for each expansion and four files (one for each pre-order pack) for Courier's Stash. (I play without Courier's Stash, though. It's unbalancing early-game.) And the add-ons are the best part of New Vegas, really.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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You really don't want me to list off the 108 mods I'm running right now...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I didn't ask you to. I asked for the official add-ons. There's only five of them, six if you count Courier's Stash.


(Though I should note that I cannot guarantee balance between my mod and other mods.)

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Alright. Good. Because all but GRA (which was addressed, idiotically, in the main mod, making me wonder if it even CAN run without GRA) need their own files. I'll put them up on Mediafire, and give you the links. Oh, and I have conversions for half a dozen other mods, but if you don't have them I'm not concerned with that.


Main/GRA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/s2deffs3m6d2iur/OverhaulMain.esp

Dead Money: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1dtsrd6inybcra8/DeadOverhaul.esp

Honest Hearts: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7lt1qc8vduqj7pf/HonestOverhaul.esp

Old World Blues: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dvd1n8o4rqt8frv/OldWorldOverhaul.esp

Lonesome Road: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ibdw729ce83xn46/LonelyOverhaul.esp

Caravan Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7z395szdvbihwdi/CaravanOverhaul.esp

Classic Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qzwl2jmobs4441o/ClassicOverhaul.esp

Mercenary Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/download/r33886za3jdy83h/MercenaryOverhaul.esp

Tribal Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fr25xfdlh6907eb/TribalOverhaul.esp

Nude Compatibility: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1dnqy63lqcoh7fw/Nudity.esp


Basically, this is an Overhaul mod. This mod is only aiming to improve the mechanics of the game. It adds very little content, although it does bring back a few things from Fallout 3. You MUST be on hardcore, have NVSE and start a new game for this mod to work.



Armour now provides DR and DT, instead of just DT. The DT value is lower to compensate (although damage is also a bit higher). DR is usually 0-20 for clothing and 0-5 for hats, 20-40 for light armour and 5-10 for light helmets, 40-60 for medium armour and 10-15 for medium helmets, and finally 60-80 for heavy armour and 15-20 for heavy helmets, although some armour of especially poor quality might get less than the stated minimum DR. DT is usually 0 for clothing and hats, 4 for light armour and 1 for light helmets, 8 for medium armour and 2 for medium helmets, and 12 for heavy armour and 3 for heavy helmets, although some armours of especially high quality get higher than standard DT. Some armour has changed classes. There is no cap, you can hit an enemy for no damage and take no damage from an enemy.



Guns now have multipliers to the DR (but not DT) of armours they face. A 9mm has standard penetration and doesn't multiply DR at all. Buckshot has inferior penetration and multiplies DR by one and two thirds, birdshot (there's birdshot now) has the worst in the game and multiplies DR by three and one third. Going the other way, a .357 (or .44) magnum has better penetration and multiplies DR by 0.6, a 5.56mm round has great penetration and multiplies by 0.225, a .308 is even better at 0.2 and a .50 BMG trounces everything at 0.1. So shotguns are usually the best guns for defeating unarmoured enemies, and rifles usually the best against armoured ones. If you know anything about guns nothing here will be a novel concept to you. Energy weapons also have penetration, usually more than guns. Flamers have the worst penetration, energy small arms (uses small energy cells) have the next worst, then intermediate energy weapons (using electron charge packs) and finally energy rifles (using microfusion cells) have the best. If an enemy isn't damaged by an attack, get one that is better against armour. More penetration, or failing that more damage.


Unstoppable damage:

I couldn't do penetration for melee weapons, unfortunately. So they just have some damage skip armour. Slashing weapons (cleavers, swords) don't have any armour-skipping damage, piercing weapons (knives, axes) have a small amount and blunt weapons (clubs, hammers) have the most. However, slashing weapons do the most damage against unarmoured targets and bludgeoning weapons do the least. Especially at high skill levels and with the swordsman perk, as armour-skipping damage doesn't scale with those. Blunt, and to a lesser extent piercing, weapons will always harm the health of your enemies. So keep a blunt or piercing weapon on-hand so you're never unable to kill an opponent.



Most healing items are both slower and weaker. Stimpacks are the screwy exception, giving a (mostly) temporary health boost in a single second only intended to save your life in an emergency and not to actually heal you. You should use stimpacks only when in combat, as their only purpose is to keep you alive until you can actually get healed. Beverages heal health, food heals limb condition. There are some exceptions. Blood packs are now a thing, and a thing that heals a lot of health but isn't common and is rather decidedly expensive.



You have 100+10*Endurance. Most NPCs have 50+10*Endurance. Level has no impact on health. At all. This means you will not be able to increase your health so high as to allow you to tank attacks without also increasing resistances. Even with 200, you'll be killed in 4-8 shots from a 9mm, less if they crit. It's either wear armour, or don't get hit.



All things impact what they impact more. Strength adds more melee damage, for instance. Endurance now determines health, and gives resistances to all things.


Critical hits:

More likely to happen. Guns crit more than melee weapons, but do less base damage.



Better than vanilla for most guns. However, gun wobble is more stat dependent, bullets have a realistic travel time and fall in-flight.


Creature armour:

Many animals are now naturally armoured. Which ones are and aren't is pretty intuitive. Their armour doesn't grant DT, just DR.



Good armour, with DT, especially combat models. Sentry bots are the most brutal enemies in the base game now, completely immune to most small arms fire and easily killing you with their rockets should they get a chance to fire. Robots have extremely sensitive weak points where they take immense health damage, but take very little health damage on their limbs, so precision beats rate of fire.


Limb damage:

Happens faster, especially for you, and is a pain to heal. Protect those limbs.



Degrades faster for armour and weapons, especially energy weapons, most especially lasers (which are otherwise extremely good weapons).



Stuns robots. Anything that deals electrical damage or critical electric damage will stun robots when that damage is applied and do more to robots than other enemies. Especially pulse weapons, specifically.


Dead Money:

Ghost people are armoured, regenerate like mad and can be hard to kill. However, setting them on fire (doesn't do much damage on its own) or hitting them with the holorifle will stop their regeneration for six seconds and make them easier to defeat. These fights are a lot of fun, at least for me. The holorifle uses its own ammo type now, with inferior penetration to most energy ammunition but the ability to completely ignore DT. The automatic rifle is a kickass gun that makes this add-on much easier as long as its ammo (scarce and expensive) lasts. Recommended level is about 20, 10 if you're confident.


Honest Hearts:

The .45 is likely the best pistol ammo in the game. The .45 pistol and SMG do high damage with decent penetration and are fairly accurate regardless. The enemies around here are poorly armoured, except for yao guai, stock up on hollow-points and shotgun shells. This add-on is really easy, though. Try to do this one first, preferably around level 10, although it's doable from the beginning.


Old World Blues:

I love this add-on. The LAER is one of the best energy weapons in the game, a robot-slaughtering powerhouse, and the sonic emitter can stun robots like a pulse gun (though for less time with less damage). The enemies here are tough, though. Lobotomites in particular can't be poisoned, have very high health, and have better DR and DT than usual. The robots would be even stronger if there weren't so many weapons around that could stunlock them. Pretty hard, though. Level 30 should be good, 20 if you know what you're doing.


Lonesome Road:

Brutal as all hell, but has the best explosive weapon in the whole game and isn't a slouch on the others. Marked men are extremely tough and regenerate, deathclaws are deathclaws, tunnelers come in swarms and aren't exactly slouches. Level 40 is a good level to arrive at, 30 if you're confident.



Some of the better weapons can be bought if you have the huge amount of caps required. Nothing too big changed here.


Courier's stash:

I'd recommend not using it, or just using the classic pack. It can seriously fuck up early-game balance since the weapons and armour are all of mid-game quality.


Hidden weapons:

I've hidden an assault rifle, mauser 9mm pistol and a flag pole in and around Goodsprings. All solid weapons. There's also a jian (Chinese sword) on a Fiend leader between Goodsprings and Primm, a chinese assault rifle hidden in Primm, a 9mm assault carbine in Nipton, a 10mm service rifle in Boulder City and 12.7mm marksman carbines in Nelson. Tell me if you find them all, I want to make sure I hid them well enough that you have to search but can find them if you try.


I do play a fair bit of Fallout 3 now and then.


Well, here's a link to a mod that fixes a lot of the game's issues, including some of the gameplay issues you specifically complained about in both reviews of yours that I have read. Obviously not all of them, and many things you didn't mention, but it does solve many of them and there isn't much there I have reason to believe you wouldn't like.





And just now updated to version 1.1.


Both of you please let me know if you have any issues, alright?

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I'll give it a try, and maybe even see if I can port out the changes you made into mod for all the expansions, (without bugs like the nudity compatibility) if you give permission that is.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Sure, if you want. And I'll credit you for it if I ever do upload this to the Nexus.


Oh, and real quick note: Some items will say that they restore fatigue. This is true, that's totally a thing they do. It's just intended to act as knockout resistance. Also, whiskey isn't supposed to do it without the Whiskey Rose perk, but I only just now noticed the issue.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Ok, I'll give them a look and see about recompiling the mod for you. (I'm pretty good at auditing mods and eliminating bugs, and just so happen to have nothing at all else to do for the next 4-5 days)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I would be quite impressed if you finished that, because there is a lot there. And really, all I look for when I make and upload mods is feedback.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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One of my OCDs can be repurposed for just this sort of task, provided I don't get interrupted every 5 minutes.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It is when my parents are around... My Mom just doesn't seem to understand the meaning of "I'm in the middle of something".

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I do play a fair bit of Fallout 3 now and then.


Well, here's a link to a mod that fixes a lot of the game's issues, including some of the gameplay issues you specifically complained about in both reviews of yours that I have read. Obviously not all of them, and many things you didn't mention, but it does solve many of them and there isn't much there I have reason to believe you wouldn't like.





And just now updated to version 1.1.


Both of you please let me know if you have any issues, alright?

My review was of the vanilla game as I feel reviewing a game with mods would be unfair. And vanilla Fallout 3 is just a major disappointment when compared to Fallout 2. I mean, even with mods it still is in terms of story, tone and game feel and no amount of mods can fix the core issues with the game. That's not saying I hate the game or anything, in fact I love playing it, but I just don't think it holds up to the older games, especially Fallout 2 in terms of content.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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