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Hi guys, long time no read.


I need a little help finding a video recording tool that can encode from RAM before it stores things on my SSD. I'm trying to complete a game challenge thing and I kind of need to be able to record 15-20 minutes in one go without quitting every three minutes to process Fraps' gigantic files. I was hoping to record a resolution of about 360p, but at a comfortable 50 fps. I can't pull it off with Fraps and I'm not going to purchase a new SSD just for this challenge thing.


It should be possible to that amount of encoding in RAM in the background, right? Especially if it's an older game that needs almost no memory at all?

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360p at 50FPS... How much RAM do you have?


Also, if you have a separate camera, you can just use that to record the screen directly. (slightly lower quality, but if you do it right, it won't be noticeable at 360p.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If your PC's video card has an analogue (composite) video out you can buy a mini-DV camera (the one that uses small DV tapes) - they cost peanuts now - and use that for recording. Make sure you turn vertical sync ON in the game's settings.


The good thing about mini-DV is that it encodes the stream digitally (DV codec is a version of MJPEG) and you can capture the footage back onto the PC for frame-accurate editing. You won't get 50fps though.


The bad thing is that it may be interlaced (depends on the card's output), so will need care during editing.



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8GB isn't enough for RAM storage of the video... You'd need to either have 32GB and have your CPU transcoding as you go, or 64GB+ to store the RAW video. (RAW video at any rez at 50/60 FPS is very space consuming)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Damn, this kind of blows. I looked all over, it seems impossible now. I certainly don't envy Ross now.

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