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Merry Christmas, Ross!

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I don't know how they celebrate Christmas in Poland, or if Ross is going about things in a more American way, but I hope Ross is having a great holiday season there! :)

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I don't know how they celebrate Christmas in Poland, or if Ross is going about things in a more American way, but I hope Ross is having a great holiday season there! :)

Thank you :) That's very nice. :D


We had a Christmas Eve supper yesterday (24th) but 25th and 26 are also a holiday in Poland, so it's like in USA (Christmas tree and everything), except we open presents after the supper :mrgreen:


I don't feel authorized to say more about what is Ross doing. He may reply himself ;)

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Merry Christmas, you glorious bastards



Merry Christmas!!!! To you!!!!1 :D

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Merry Xmas, Happy Chaunakuh, Happy Kwanzaa, etc etc.......and if you are a religious person....espcially christianity please watch Only God Forgives its a perfect xmas movie......like Gordons fave film: DIE HARD!

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