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There are many issues with most vaccines... Tuberculosis can sometimes be caused by it's vaccine in healthy people. Same for some types of hepatitis vaccines.


The problem lies in the government being the ones to control it, instead of the individuals or their parents.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I want to wait for more replies. X3 I know people who are away from the forum that'd usually comment and I do want to find out their opinions. :3 Won't be too long.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I don't really have any strong feelings about Vaccinations. I remember getting a couple in Primary school, and didn't get any ill effects. I was actually the first yeargroup in high school not to get the BCG, as the-powers-that-be decided that TB was a low-enough risk to not need a vaccine. Just as well, because I hear the BCG is a real dickbag of a jab.


I got a couple of shots before I went to Singapore 14 years ago, and I think I'm due a Tetanus boost soon.


But eh, they seem to do their job. The whole MMR-Autism thing was a load of ass though.


Mind you, the Invisible Sword in Scorpia is one reason to be wary of vaccines.


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I just want to mention an interesting fact brought up by my mother about the Measles vaccines... The older ones never require a booster, but the newer ones do. Why would they move from permanent immunity to temporary? (all of my research only comes up with the modern MMR-II vaccine information)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The problem with that theory is that over time, our immune systems have gotten weaker because humankind is used to having medicine do all the work for us. X3 Back then, our bodies just kinda had to deal with the issues. But now... We have painkillers, vaccines, etc. It's impossible to remain healthy without them because we're so used to taking them.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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because we're so used to taking them.

I'm not. I rarely if ever take any form of medication. (I have to feel like I'm dying to take meds)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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because we're so used to taking them.

I'm not. I rarely if ever take any form of medication. (I have to feel like I'm dying to take meds)


Sorry. X3 Should really watch my phrasing. I meant like... the whole of humanity and things. I don't fully believe in evolution, but I know that the human race DOES get used to things over time. X3 It's like how... When the British settlers came to colonize New South Wales (Australia), they brought along alcohol and all these new products that the native Aboriginals had never seen or heard of before. But... settlers also handed over diseases and illnesses that weren't existent in Australia. And thus, any Aboriginal who did get sick, got sick HARD. And they died. :I Whereas the white men prospered because they were used to it. That's sorta what I mean.

X3 It doesn't matter if YOU yourself take medication or not. It's just that our bodies/nation/race is used to having all manner of tragedies hitting our bodies and we're able to cure ourselves. XD I'm probably not making sense. I never do. I'm sorry.

But, with vaccines and stuff, whilst yeah, we do have an immunity against some diseases and what not. But we're not perfect. And our bodies can still fall short. Human race in total is used to having drugs solve our problems. "Low on Iron? Try these!"

"Need to stop pain? Swallow these!"

I dunno. X3 Feel free to disprove me. I don't know where I'm going with this. XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Should really watch my phrasing. I meant like... the whole of humanity and things.

I understood that. I was just voicing my difference from the norm. (which in the opinion of any competent doctor I've met, should be the norm instead) :lol:

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Subject #I dunno. I lost track: Arranged marriages!

Ignoring what religion says and all, X3 Do you think they're good or bad?

It depends on the situation I guess. If the child was FORCED to marry a stranger, I'd be like HELL NO. But if the child accepted; "Yeah. Okay. I want to do this." Then sure, go ahead. Supposedly, arranged marriages last longer. X3 It's sorta sad. XD But... facts are facts. It kinda reminds me of Corpse Bride. A small movie by Tim Burton. In it was a mother and a father. When I was little, I used to watch the movie all the time. The mother and father would always talk about how much they hate each other. X3 And I always though; "Then why did you marry?" Little did I know, arranged marriages was a thing, which is what I guess would have been a case of in the movie. Hidden little secrets. It would also make sense in the time era and all, when there wasn't electricity and torches were a thing. :P In order to keep royalty in the family, arranged marriages were the common.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Subject #I dunno. I lost track:

You could just put "NEW TOPIC: ***" instead... It would save having to do anything with numbering.



Arranged marriages!

Ignoring what religion says and all, X3 Do you think they're good or bad?

Cultural holdovers are the only reason they still exist, as they tend more often than not to be horrible matches. That's also the reason they last so long. Culturally, divorce usually isn't allowed without the permission of one of the parties, and that party is essentially treated as the 'owner' of the other... (I'll give you one guess which party that is)


My official position on it is: It's moronic unless you're trying to either force genetic diversity or interbreeding, and there is no reason for either in this era. Right now, barring massive depletion of global populace to under 1 million humans, arranged marriages shouldn't exist.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I waited a month for Binky's opinion and this is what I get. GG WP. We can all go home and cry.

XD I'm joking. I should start a new topic now.


New topic: Should parents not give their child ANY technological devices until a certain age?


I'm kinda in the middle of it.

People today I see are so damn dumbstruck when it comes to technology it's not even funny. X3 Mainly because when technology hit us, it hit HARD. My generation is odd cause it sorta grew as computer themselves grew. It went from Nokia's to iPhone's. From those big bulky monitors to the plasma TV's we have today. Perhaps giving kids today this new technology will help them understand future IT related stuff and avoid them crumbling down when the education system requires them to do an assignment, on IT related equipment. X3

But there also is the health issues. Addiction, too much time spent on electronics.

I guess it could be done responsibly if done right. Restrictions placed, what you can and can't do.

But either way, I'm sort of on the fence about it.

If parents give their child a phone, I won't care. If they don't give them one, I won't care. XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I personally will start any kid I have on DOS... If s/he can handle that, and the software (including many excellent abandonware games) I include with it, s/he can handle anything. Build up through the various OSes, and result in starting C++ programming. Android will be the mobile OS of choice, as I know how to lock it down and secure it. I will deliberately infect the computers and phones with mild viruses to teach the kid how to handle them. I will also instill basic troubleshooting knowledge, and make it a requirement for the usage of any modern technology. Complaints? The kid can go without the tech. I have no qualms about depriving the kid of tech they aren't willing to learn. I will also be making Linux OS learning mandatory.


Kid will get no internet access without permission, and my physical presence in the room to monitor. (until s/he has proven their worthiness to be unsupervised) The kid gets a virus, s/he has to clean it themselves. The only part I will have in it is the Windows/Linux install disc.


The kid likes tech, great... The kid prefers not to use it, great... They get to be themselves, but they WILL know how to use a computer and 'smart' phone properly.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Kids should be tech savvy to a point, but they should also easy and regular access to the outside world. I guess I had it easy as I grew up in a rural community, with a glen right next to my house, and a beach less than a mile away in the other direction. As for technology, we got by with older things, as we weren't very well-off, and we didn't have internet until I was 11.


Essentially, kids should be shown that technology - and specifically the internet - is not central to their lives (at their age, anyway).


For me, I would restrict internet access to gadgets used exclusively by me and my partner. Hopefully I'd be able to give my kids a moral compass that means they wouldn't go lurking into dark areas of the web anyway. I would let them play videogames that had no need for an internet connection (hoping my PS1 and PS2 hold out then!)


But by the time they hit 14-16 years old, they'll have free reign.


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Okay, I want to discuss my opinion on evolution and creationism.

I am sick of creationist Christians that think that the theory of evolution is evil and that dinosaur bones were planted in the earth by satan to test our faith, since the bible mentions specifically that earth was made in 7 (6) days. What these people don't realize is that A LOT of the stuff in the bible is metaphorical! I mean think about it: What is a day to God? 24 hours? It could be hundreds, thousands or millions of years!

Also, other stuff like the story of Noah's ark for example are based on old pagan stories; the Jews that wrote the bible figured that if you rewrite them slightly, they can be good METAPHORS. So you can't tell me that earth is only 4000 years old.

Please, if you see a creationist, tell him this, because I don't want them making my religion look like a bunch of idiots.

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I appreciate you reviving the thread, but I pointed out that I didn't want religion or evolution to be talked about in this thread. X3 Because... they're two things that are SERIOUS topics, that should deserve their own thread. Not a mini one. But, I dunno, for a few posts, I'll go along.


The bible says 7 days. But... days didn't exist until a perfect solar system was formed. So... how long was that first day? How long were the days afterwards? Hm? I'm a creationist believer, but I kinda want to combine that with today technology. Why should science be considered bad? It's not like science was the foundation made by satan himself. X3

Evolution seems believable at times, and I suppose that God STARTED the world, let evolution happen, then came back with humans, and the bible took place. That's my opinion.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I mentioned it elsewhere a while back, but I like the notion that God - or whatever higher level of Being there may be - created Earth as a kind of Xel'Naga-type creation experiment. I'm undecided about what happened after that, but if we go by the Athiest argument "If god exists, why is there suffering?", then I'll say the Creator regarded the experiment inconclusive and left to try elsewhere. I do like Starcraft.


Jeb, before this gets out of hand, get a new topic going!


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New topic please... Last time I posted my opinion it started a flame war.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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XD Alright, sorry Reverend Kitty Cat.

New topic: Should gambling be illegal?

We know the odds, but people still do it, and people... do still win. Should gambling be a banned activity, seeing as it impacts the lives and their finance? I personally have never seen a problem with gambling because... X3 I don't do it. If I feel like taking a risk, I'll play games. I'm kinda on the fence about it. If someone is a gambling addict, they maybe should have seen the consequences before they started? It's not like smoking where it used to be 'the cool thing' 20 years ago. Or is it? I wasn't alive 20 years ago. X3 I can't tell.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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