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L.A Noire Review

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Playing L.A Noire is a treat, it features great game qualities like the story is great.



You play as a WW2 hero that just got back from the war and is just joining the L.A Police force. You work your way up the ranks by solving big cases and become the best. It includes great Face Capture and Motion capture to bring the game alive and make interegation easier. It features over 60+ vehicles and a large city to explore. With over 21 cases and many 40 Street crime missions you will have hours of fun.


Things that suck about L.A Noire:

You would think if Rock Star help develop it they make as ultra Violent as possible. No, they didnt, but thats not what I hate, its that free roam is very limited and you never see action often. It has some frame rate issues, and the driving can get tedious. I think they should make a seperate option to make free roam alittle more open, like actually getting to use your weapons in public.


But asides all the flaws, its a great game.

If you like Ultra Violence and non stop explosive action This game is not for you.


4.5 out of 5

Side Note: Like this review? No? Fuck you.

leave a reply on your opinions of L.A Noire, maybe we can start a argument.

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you're making me think of Clockwork Orange

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Too much like just watchin a viddy, stead of playin a game. I was hopin for a bit of the old ultra violence, like in GTA. Turns out you and your droogs just go round solvin crimes.

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^ Why would you expect that from a detective game? You must hate Mass Effect then, oh well. More Liara for me.

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