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Episode information update and some more news

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I don't care if i do get yelled at... refreshing the page and finding a new update is awesome.

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I take it that this episode doesn't take place on Friday...

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I Noticed 2 easter eggs,nice...

I dont think side effect is pissed,more people will see his name in an update...


Take Care Ross!

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LMAO!! i just rewatched it to look for the black car. totally awsome

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Take your time Ross. Take all the time you need. I can wait.

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You weren't kidding when you said once the site was up there would be a more constant stream of updates, tho this one probably wouldn't have come up if you hadn't made that "mistake".


Anyways, I love when the Gman makes appearances in Half Life 2 machinimas.

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I have some updates and minor news for people. First off, I screwed up the credits for this video. I forgot to mention the Quake 3 music I use for the title theme, though that's mentioned in every other episode, so it's not a huge deal. What is a big deal to me though, is I got the name wrong for one of the models I used. I was looking at the readme.txt file that came with the custom model I downloaded and going by the credits listed in that, which was "Silverlan." Turns out that's not really the guy who made that model, he just did some entity work on it that I didn't even use when making the episode. The real author is "SideEffect." I'll update the episode page to reflect this. My apologies to him, I usually try my best to give everyone credit for their work.


Speaking of the episode, this one has a few Easter Eggs in it that you may have missed:

-Did you spot the G-man appearance?

-I found the billboard ad entertaining

-(at least one user noticed this already) Pay close attention to the path of the black car. This was an accident I noticed very late in the production that I decided to keep, but minimize the impact of.



There will be more subtitles coming out this week, it's a slow process for me as I've had about 90 different people contact me regarding them and I still haven't replied to everyone. Thanks for your patience in all this.


I've been informed that several download links to both series are missing. I'm not sure why they've gone down, but I've contacted Machinima.com about this and hopefully they'll get them back up soon. I hope to implement mirrors for the videos sometime in the future as well.


Finally, I'm continuing work on Freeman's Mind, so just hang tight.



I screwed up somebody else's name in the credits (Vecima) who did mapwork in this episode I wasn't even aware of. Due to multiple credits errors, I've replaced the download links with the updated version of the credits and will be adding annotations to Youtube later to reflect this. This is what happens when I don't get enough sleep.

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The first time I watched it I saw Gman.


Now I rewatched and saw the billboard and the black car.

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isaw all 3 they were not hard to miss (mainly because of my slow net speed i watched alf of it 10 times)

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I noticed that you mentioned Enemy Territory: Quake Wars in the credits. What parts of this episode were taken from Quake Wars?

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Hey Ross, was the issue with the lots of props that was resolved a while back about the doughnuts??

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Didn't notice any of the easter eggs the first time O_O

I kinda thought the G-Man would be really hard to see, but he was really obvious. Have no idea why I didn't notice it earlier -_-

The black car... EPIC

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Where was the black car? When in the video?

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Cool! Can't wait for the next Freeman's Mind. I noticed the black car the second time I watched it.

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not to be rude but it is about time freemans mind gets back on track... i must know who ate all the doughnuts lol

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I demand Freeman's Mind. It's just absolutely hilarious.

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