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Relationship/Privacy advice needed

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I'll give you the quick version of the story: I dated this girl a few years ago and after a while broke her heart. I abandoned her and lied to her and have carried the shame of my actions ever since. About a month ago I decided to break the two year silence and wrote her a letter of apology. We began talking and are slowly building a new friendship.


I also stumbled across her blog, in which she occasionally writes about our relationship and her reactions to the things I say. It's also filled with pictures and postings of things we have common interest in, so I like reading that, but I also feel it's not right for me to be able to see her personal thoughts.


Should I just stop looking at the page altogether? Am I violating her privacy by reading her blog secretly?

"It's time to evolve. That's why we're troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything's failing? It's because they're no longer relevant...Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs."

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I'll give you the quick version of the story: I dated this girl a few years ago and after a while broke her heart. I abandoned her and lied to her and have carried the shame of my actions ever since. About a month ago I decided to break the two year silence and wrote her a letter of apology. We began talking and are slowly building a new friendship.


I also stumbled across her blog, in which she occasionally writes about our relationship and her reactions to the things I say. It's also filled with pictures and postings of things we have common interest in, so I like reading that, but I also feel it's not right for me to be able to see her personal thoughts.


Should I just stop looking at the page altogether? Am I violating her privacy by reading her blog secretly?


Alright this time I'm not gonna start with a buttsex joke.


She's putting it on the internet making it public for anyone to read including yourself, your not doing anything wrong, but what she may twist around making it seem wrong is the fact your reading it without her knowing your aware of her blog. So your going behind her back reading something she wrote that is publicly available.


Now the only thing I got to ask is what are your intentions? Do you want to be in a relationship with her or do you want to be just friends?


1. I want to be in a relationship, and eventually mount her. If you want to be in a relationship, stop reading the blog. Cheatsheets/Spys/Etc. will not help you in the end and will create distrust. The risk is too great to have that sort of inside on someone else.


2. I wanna be just friends, shes alright but I'm goin for a rich hottie! Be half-honest and tell her. Hey I found your blog are you comfortable with me reading it? (phrase this however you like). Then go with whatever her answer is.


3. I've been asked to go to Africa and save the orphans... I can't see you anymore Debra. Leave your mind, and stick your hand in your pants.

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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Just tell her you found her blog, lying will get you nowhere ever.


If she doesn't want you to read it, she'll remove the blog from public view. If she does, she'll leave it up.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Thanks for the advice, everyone. I think it's probably best for me to stop looking at it. It's public yes, but she doesn't know I'm looking at it and the only way I found it was via seeing her link a video to it off of youtube and me catching the link off of there. I think she would be bothered if she knew I was looking at it so I'll just not read it, eventually tell her I've got a blog on the same site, give her time to edit what she wants to and then openly read it with her knowledge.


Seems like the most just thing to do.

"It's time to evolve. That's why we're troubled. You know why our institutions are failing us, the church, the state, everything's failing? It's because they're no longer relevant...Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs."

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