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Day ending rituals/habits

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Do any of you have any habits/rituals you do before going to bed(except the obvious stuff, eg brushing teeth, putting on pj's)?


I personally always like to listen to some music to end the day on a good note. Most of the time i listen to the same song for a few days and then switch it up. Currently my day ending song is:



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I always listen to music while I try to fall asleep. Sometimes I watch videos on my ipod. Mostly old cartoons, FM episodes, machinimas, MLP stuff (since yesterday) aussie beer ads.... Well, random stuff really.


Lol, even now I'm in bed, typing on my Ipod, posting here and listening to Hitman Ost. It's 11:42 pm. I'm not tired 'cause I was sleeping for hour before.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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Do any of you have any habits/rituals you do before going to bed(except the obvious stuff, eg brushing teeth, putting on pj's)?


I personally always like to listen to some music to end the day on a good note. Most of the time i listen to the same song for a few days and then switch it up. Currently my day ending song is:


The title (Devotchka) means little girl in russian. So now you know.... not sure what you're going to do with that.


My ritual is basically the same as Jek Jek Tars...

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I go through the forums and get rid of all those annoying orange 'new post' indicators. I have an OCD for that.


I then turn off everything on my computer except the TF2 dedicated server.


I then start up my bedtime music playlist on my computer, and play it through my 1972 Zenith Allegro cabinet stereo.


I then go take a leak.


I then come back, and cover my computer in acoustic foam to muffle it's fan noise.


I then turn off my blue LED rope light.


I then make sure that the room is dark enough to sleep in, and close my door down to 6 inches.


I then lay down, and 'daydream' until I fall asleep.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I go through the forums and get rid of all those annoying orange 'new post' indicators. I have an OCD for that.

Ha, i do exactly the same.


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(except the obvious stuff, eg brushing teeth
Does brushing my teeth before bed count?



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Yeah, sorry for skipping the first post.


Well, I always open the windows. I never sleep with closed windows because that makes me sleep badly.

I never close my windows, i have them open atleast a few inches 24/7. I just don't like the feeling that i have been breathing the same air for hours.


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if she wasn't going to before, she will now. you know, just because i mentioned it. hehe

*sigh* it's not fair to highlight my text. :D


oh yea forgot..in response to your response: i could imagine ;)

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