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Minor Freeman Update

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C'MON man, it's been a whole 24 hours since I checked the site! NO UPDATES!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

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Ross: Maybe not a grand arching storyline. I'm not asking for LOST (which is about to end) But something more than beavis and butthead. I do like the series and it's a great thing. It just needs a pinch of salt. or oregano. or something.


The Tunnel should be great because it does throw in a dash of suspense, for the characters and for the viewers holding their breath for it.


Thanks for the series Ross. It's fantastic.

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hey, take your time ross, your work is well worth the wait! thanks for the update!

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I play ROBLOX and my account name is

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normally i wouldnt like waiting but the stuff you send out i know its going to be good so i could wait for another month... please dont delay it though

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Take all the time you need!

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niice..... im sure is worth the waiting, but also, i want to see the civil protection movie finished

we can wait ross, your work is worth it...


greetings from Argentina

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I'm not condoning sloppy expedience nor mind-numbingly slowness but...


Your work is quite worth the wait. The effort put forth into both series' is evident and appreciated!

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I love the freemans mind videos. You do them Perfectly. PERFECTLY! lol, they always make me laugh, keep up the good work, Cant wait til the next installment





Mr. Snuggles

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hey take your time, put quality above anything else

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Hey Ross Scott, I have a question to ask. In shepherds mind he says something to freeman when freeman enters the portal. (Lamda complex) I was wondering if you are planning import that line in so it will make it more realistic. But I guess that part is not until ages.

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Keep up the good work.


Between Barney's mind, Shepard's mind and Freeman's mind. Your's (Freeman's mind) is still the best. Funny as hell and superbly done. Even someone who took your voice acting from freeman's mind and put it into this video:



Still hilarious


Keep 'em coming, and please make a Freeman's Mind 2

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Hey nice to see that you have decided for a weekly update


It's OK to spend some more time on FM actualy I prefer to do so

Because in a way it's even more funny than CP

but everything is funny in it's own way


Still it's good to hear that it's gonna be a longer episode keep it up to the TOP

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h at a length of only 5 to 10mins? seriously shut the fuck up and release the next episode already. You lazy fuck." All i can say is that haters gonna hate, your videos are of such high quality its great. You are the Valve of Machinima. You create great stuff with large gaps in between.

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Take your time, Ross. I used to try (and fail miserably at) making Lego videos. They take time to make and edit. Thanks for the update!

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The first two cases were flukes. After that, I coasted on my laurels.

It began simply at a party, common enough at the time, where someone is murdered in an upstairs room with much rumpus and kerfuffle. Parties in those days were often organised at least partially for the purpose of doing someone in.

I was banged up to the monkey nuts at the time, and mashed on squintypuffs, as was my habit.

On a whim, I stuck out my arm, and pointing without looking I bellowed in melodious tones the phrase: "It was him wot dunnit!"

To my surprise when I looked up, the man I had been pointing at had crumpled to the floor and begun a long and blathering confession - at the end of which, naturally enough, the assembled company fell on him and took turns stoving his brain with a candlestick.

It wasn't so much his guilt which excited the frenzy you must understand, but rather the pitiful nature of his blabbering - It set your teeth on edge, it really did.

I was at the point of slipping quietly away, in other words, quit while I was ahead, when I was drawn back into the room by the sound of sustained and generous applause. The applause - nay, ovation! Lasted quite some time, and while it continued I was fondled rapturously by the crowd, and given qua quas and merlydrops.

Eventually a hush descended, and a tremulous voice asked me how I'd dunnit. I was tempted of course, to claim some sort of divine power, or magical ability BUT noting the change in fashion, I plumped for science.

"I am a man of SCIENCE!" I said, "That is how I dunnit."

The crowd shrieked and giggled its approval - science was quite new then, and mention of it something of a novelty.

"A man of science!" said one person, savouring the phrase.

"Science man!" said another.

"NO! Not science man, man of science. I am of science. Science is not, nor cannot be of I, for science is science, and I am I, or am I?" (I was on a roll now, the merlydrops were kicking in.)

And I realised my best plan was to repeat the word science over and over again, until I had convinced them.

"Science!" I cried, raising a glass to my lips, and slurping exuberantly.

"Science!" they replied, draining theirs.

And soon the word science began to take on a life of its own, ricocheting around the room, like an ORAL MUSKETBALL. Science. Science. Science.

And gradually, a beguiling round system developed, with a deep baritone "SCIIIIIIIIENCE!", delicately counterpointed by several falsettos: "science, science, science, science!"

And although the rhythm constantly changed, I was able to DANCE a passable Lambada.

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Hey Ross, do you know how long The Tunnel is?

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The best part of Barney's Mind: When the tram goes by while Barney is trying to open the door and you hear Freeman (Ross) yelling "SUCKER!"


Freemans Mind is the BOMB!!!

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