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Outtake reel.

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Actually, I think that would be a really good way for Ross to tie everyone over. I'm sure he's has gigabytes worth of bad takes, and since that's his actual voice, it will sound like Freeman getting mad. XD


Wait...if Ross lives by himself and is really calm and reserved, it could be just a lot of stuttering. I know that I'm a very anxious person and when I make movies or record lines, I do get mad quite a bit.

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"I HAVE TO BLOW EVERYTHING UP! IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO PROVE I'M NOT CRAZ-*cough hack cough*...ugh...aw fuck..."

"Rubble. Rubble rubble rubble ruppl-fuck."



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Actually, I think that would be a really good way for Ross to tie everyone over.


i agree it would be the best way to finish FM. (unless, of course he does hl2)

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That would indeed be a great idea; I can see him having a lot of outtakes. He mentioned somewhere that there are certain lines that take up to 20 tries to get right.


PS: Bencee, just for the sake of being a grammar nazi, I wanted to say that the FM quote in your sig should say "you too, Billy!" not "you to Billy".

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Well spotted Chuck. I usually have good grammar too but I did that late at night so, yeah I was tired.

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It's mainly me just saying the lines not as well or cutting off abruptly. FM is pretty sterile and robotic as far as the recording, there's almost nothing that would be that entertaining for outtakes. Civil Protection has some from recording that I've kept for Craig, Fred, and myself. I plan on releasing those once there are some more updates to the website.

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Try to listen the same line by Freeman, 10 times in a row... :roll:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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