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Future Half-Life 1 reactions

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Since there's already a Half-Life 2 reactions thread, I think it's appropriate that there be a Half-Life 1 reactions thread.




Freeman (In a very low voice indicating that he's terrified beyond screaming) "What the fuck is that thing and why does it know my name."

He who fights drummers

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Upon entering Xen: "Oh my God, I'm back in crazy land. No, no, no, no.... Oh well. Might as well enjoy insanity." *sprongs to next island using the long jump module* "Whee! Awesome." *sprongs to next island where vortigaunt spawns* "Wheee! Awe--no, no, no! Aliens ruin everything!"

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Everything you write here, isn't going to be in the videos.


Don't write good reactions.

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I would expect him to try to change where the Lambda teleporter goes, refusing to go to the alien planet.

Or as he is about to go in. you hear "HEY COME BACK HERE YOU BIG ORANGE FUCK" (Shepard's Mind) and he stops and turns around and shoots him or something or tries to make talk with him, or just keeps going.

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(In the rotating teleport thing at the lambda complex)


What is this thing? Is this Chuck Norris's merry go round? Why the hell do we need this?!?


(Upon entering Gonarch's Lair)


Woah! Giant enemy crab! Attack it's weakpoint for massive damage!


(Upon entering Nihilanth's Dome)


...I am so glad this suit can handle waste, because I could piss myself at any moment now...

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(Upon entering the tripwire warehouse)


I quit. I turn in my limbo badge. Not even Richard Simmons could handle this shit, let alone a physicist in a bright orange space suit!



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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In the tripwire warehouse:


"Screw this. I'm not going to try to limbo any of this. Let me just get up onto this box here.....eeerraaargh! There. Now, to climb along the rafters here. *makes monkey calls* Oooohhhk-ookk-oooaaak--AAAACK ACCCK! I was Monkey Bar Champion in school. I could hang from them all day and leave the world behind."


Drops down from ceiling, having used no-clip to "climb" along the ceiling, onto the elevator


"Oof. Glad my experience finally paid off. Now, to get out of this death trap." Pushes button "WAAAAGH! Oh, the elevator didn't explode."

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In Xen:

"Where the hell am I? HELL?! I feel like I'm trapped in a Yes album cover!"


Also, as soon as he has to start jumping around:

"Ha, white men in armored hazmat suits CAN jump!"

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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