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Terror toddler strikes again! Baby infiltrates the Whitehouse lawn during Obama's speech on the bombings in Iraq! I swear I am NOT making this up! The statement from Edwin Donovan was as follows:


"We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him, but in lieu of that he got a timeout and was sent on his way with his parents."


You know, maybe it's a sign that our nation has gotten WAY too militaristic when everybody I knew was really, really surprised they didn't murder the kid, but that's a subject for serious topics. Anyway, it's a cute story and I just HAD to share it.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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He is lucky it wasn't in Pakistan - he'd have been charged with terrorism, treason, apostasy and conspiracy to murder. Now, in the US, he will just have to sign-in to the jaywalking registry for life...



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