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Oh god this game was so disappointing. There's just enough there that you can see what it could have been.

Or at least there was if you could get it to run. It took me an age to get the thing stable, and even then it would crash to desktop on a regular basis.


Although, there was one bug that was simply hilarious - for some reason, it would apply lighting effects normally, with the exception of the character's eyes.

Combine that with the psycho-staring and it felt like I was surrounded by Goa'uld.

Ironically for me, patches made the stability worse. I decided to start up a second playthrough of Invisible War recently just because I'm a bit of a masochist, and found that on Windows 10, the only version I could get running was the original 1.0 version directly off my CD copy of the game. If I install the 1.1 patch, the game will start, but fail to start a new game or load any existing saves, and if I install the 1.2 patch, the game won't even start. On the plus side, v1.0 has been stable enough to be generally playable. I'm near the end of the game and have only had two crashes to desktop, and one case where some sort of glitch was preventing the game from starting up. Rebooting fixed that problem.

I remember by some kind of miracle I got the game running on Windows 7 (for ages I couldn't even get it started). I have no idea what I did to it but I did get it going.

I wonder if it will still run on Windows 10 for me. I intend to find out.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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Sorry I've dropped the ball on things like the subtitles for this episode and other things related to Accursed Farms (as well as other things not related to Accursed Farms) in the past week or so.


I've been quite sick. I am getting better however, but that means I have a backlog that I'm now chipping away at. I hope to get everything done soon.

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Hey Ross, good video as usual but I don't like how you casually SPOILED THE ENDINGS to both the first and second Deus Ex games. At least put in a warning, or even better a video annotation to skip over the MAJOR spoiler part.


You're probably assuming everyone who's watching the videos has at least completed the first Deus Ex. Well maybe, but that was 16 years ago! After your video of the first game, I started playing it again, only to have the ending spoiled before I even finished the second area. I am disappoint.

Can you believe I was actually getting more reports about warning people about spoiling the games prior to this? Anyway, I wasn't terribly concerned with it for Deus Ex since they are well known games. I'm not sure what the best route is. I think maybe to just announce the endings are next so people have a chance to turn it off if they want.



I remember clearly shooting an enemy with a poison dart, and quickly popping back behind cover, and watched with my x-ray vision as she did absolutely nothing and got knocked out like she didn't even notice. On the flip side, certain enemies that I tried to sneak past seemed to have superhuman hearing as they were able to hear me crawling on a different level than them.
I don't always pay too much attention to the AI. I mean there's FEAR and then there's everything else.

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I don't always pay too much attention to the AI. I mean there's FEAR and then there's everything else.

Don't forget about Unreal Tournament's AI. In a Deathmatch on Inhuman or Godlike diffulties they can be pretty remarkable. But yeah FEAR's AI is top notch too. I beat FEAR and it's two expansions. I wish there was more for me to do in FEAR like mods or something.

I'm not saying I started the fire. But I most certain poured gasoline on it.

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Don't forget about Unreal Tournament's AI.

Beat me to it. UT's bots were so ridiculously clever and interesting that I enjoyed playing with them much more than playing actual multiplayer with real people.

Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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Subtitles for this will be available tomorrow morning. I wanted them out tonight, but it got so late and I need to sleep. If only I had another hour.... Blah.


Update: They'll be delayed until I get home from work. I overslept. Dammit.

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On 1/29/2023 at 10:45 AM, tuoppi said:

If anyone wants to play this game I recommend using Visible Upgrade https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147423

This makes it work without problems in modern Windows and hardware plus some other minor quality of life improvements.


Doesn't look like a bot link

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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